Count to a Million


Bye Mono :)

Thanks guys for the comments on the picture :)

Voddas the reason i said about the scan is on the right hand side of the pciture, you can see where it wasn't alligned propely, plus i found that the scanner can't seem to get the hang of scanning it perfectly, the colours are always off a shade.

You're right though i do need to get round to PC colouring, especially if i intend to ever do a manga adaption of my main story...Just lack of skill on my part, i don't even now where to begin, or how to make it look professional :(

Didn't see you there Ayase :p

I'm the new forum ninja :p

What image manipulation programs do you have Black? I really like Corel Painter but I'll never be able to afford to buy it, so I use Photoshop Elements.
Bye Voddas
I'm off too, as I'm drowning in a sea of unwatched anime. I'm trying really hard to keep my "currently watching" list to under ten different series' so I need to finish something before I can start the new season of Natsume Yuujinchou, which I really want to see!
Laters! :D
15284 bye Panda :thumb: c'ya later :)

@Ayase all i've got is a three year old (legal) copy of Jsac Paint Shop Pro. Got it back at the tail end of college. It's come in handy like

Cool. Look forward to seeing the results.

Right, I'm gonna go rob a bank with some Irishmen in Grand Theft Auto IV

See ya later Black. :p
15,289 - hi guys. After playing too much rock band, I've decided to buy me a real guitar !

It's almost ten years since I've last played seriously, so I'm real rusty. I'm still ok on the bass though, as I've never put it away =)