Count to a Million

It's Monday!!!! Another week has began in the new year. I wonder what it shall bring! :D

...I'm not really in that good a mood. Work is not very exciting and my stomach is grumbling already.... but that's Mondays for you.
15309 if your thinking Digital Colouring then you would be right :p I finally did that last night, took me a good couple of hours (cleaning the original image up and then putting the flat colours down) I'm pleased with the result and i know i can do better
I'm also pleased with the result mate. Very nice for your first run. :thumb:

Can't say that I'm great at colouring via PC myself yet like but plan to improve on that once I get my Tablet on the go. It'll also get faster and easier once you've done it a few times.

The difference in colour is cool ain't it. No wonder it's all done on computer now.

Right mate, off to lunch now. Starvin!!! Will catch you later if your about.
15313 should be finished soon, i've just completed the flat colours. Though i'm only starting with smallish drawings, trying to bulid up to the larger ones i've done
Well that's the way to do it like. Start small and work your way up. The best and easiest way to do drawings and colour on PC is using layers. I'm not used to them yet which is why it took me like three days to draw and colour that picture i did (lass in bikini and pistols).
Pays off like ^__^
15315 i'm using the layered way, each base colour has its own layer (as does the outline) then the highlights and Shadows also have their own layer. Plus the way i've learnt is that i can change the base colours and the shadows will still be okay :D

Oh and here's the second test
OOoo.... Look at you and your layers lol. Very nice mate. :thumb:
Next task is to do a full size model... well you know a body shot. That's wheer it's gets challenging. You got your face colouring down like. Maybe you will have to work on the hair a little. Give it more depth in shading etc (construstive critique by the way). Of course I find shading easier by hand like (pencil).
15317 doing highlights in the hair is a bit tough and is an area i want to imrpove on, i'm now trying one of my full size pictures which should take a while just to clean up. I've got a long way to go before i'm at the level of some of the aritsts in this forum (yes even you :p)
Oh stop... :oops:

I'm guessing your just using a mouse at the moment then? That's a challenge in itself like. I'm still o good at hair and I've been trying for ages. I know I sound like a broken record, but I really want to get back into drawing again. Used to do little strips years ago. Want to start them up again.
15319 yep just a mouse so precise percision is a bit out of my league at the moment. You should of have an extra resoultion to get back into it :p like i had with "Doing more with it" which if all goes well, could mean the ressurection of one of my earlier dreams when i stated writting. Though if i had the confidence i would put my stuff up in the creative part of the fourm for all to see (and to tear apart) :lol:

Of course there's no time like the present if you want to start drawing strips again, or even the continued adventures of that count to a million cat you were did for this thread :p
:lol: I wouldn't get away with doing those drawings in work anymore.

I've never started a comic knowing how it was going to end. I've always just gone with it and rounded it up when it felt right. Of course, doing that ment that 8 times out of 10 it wouldn't make sense.