Count to a Million


Afternoon Black :)

Sorry about yesterday mate. My work PC is still having problems and I lost all sever connections. Could view forum but couldn't do anything else. I'm now on the back-up PC. I hate sitting here... ¬_¬ It's kinda like the dunce seat lol.

How's you anywhy?
15346 i'm okay, had the flu jab forced on me this morning practically went in to the doctors for my annual asthma review, and then they turned and said "looks like you haven't had your flu jab in a while, why not get it done now?" putting me on the spot". Also waiting for a phonecall from the goverment...i said on the form i would be unavailable this morning because of said appointment, so what time do they call me at? Yeah the time when i'm at the doctors :roll:
Sounds about right lol. They don't look at the small print mate, they just know they're making the call....

...hang about.... did you say, a call from the Government? As in Mi5? O_O
15348 Mi5? god no i'm not that primitive this is a call from the super secret Mi13...i mean the yeah.

Note to self: Kill Voddas, he knows too much.

Further Note to self: Don't put note to self on a public forum.

:lol: Nah seriously its about job seekers allowance, i can't continue living on free air you know
15,349 - WHA-HA!!! Hello all. I'll be busy today, but I'll try to keep talking to ya'll. How's everyone?

I'm having problems at the dentists myself (going there AGAIN today), as they totally messed up my face. All because they couldn't treat me earlier, which is what I asked for. They're trying to right the wrong from recommendation by the doctors. So I've been in pain for a good while. Getting better now.
At least the dentists dont have powers to arrest you etc, unlike government. lol.
:lol:mad:Chaz... We were taliking about Dr's not dentist *quivers* I hate dentists...

:lol:mad:Black *reads note to self and stocks up on poison antidote and bullet proof body moulds*

JSA aye? Wierd hearing that on this forum when I talk about it every day at work... I guess your calling the voddas side of the government then =P
15351 Noon Chaz :p I'm fine baring doctors and goverment, Check the past two pages to see my experments in digital colouring

@Voddas i guess so :lol: Still wish they would ring already, the suspense is killing me!
Voddas said:
I guess your calling the voddas side of the government then =P
15352 - Is that like the "Twilight Zone" or another part of the Force we dont know about? :p

And dentists and doctors are similar. Just dentists are restricted to oral health rather than speciallising another area. Hmph.

I'll have a look at those experiments Wolfy.
Well it's not me calling you coz there's no BlackWolf on my call-back list :lol:

Nah, I don't do JSA calls anyway. I just help with other Benefits like.

You gonna be looking for a job then boyo?

EDIT: :lol:mad:Chaz

*note to self - kill chaz he knows to much*

*another note to self - stop making notes on the forums... people will think you copying Black*

15354 - Wolfy, ya lazy gimp! Get a proper job!! XD
BTW, I liked the pencil coloured cowboy pic, and the blue haired girl wasn't too bad either. Good work.
15355 thanks Chaz :p i'm going to continue doing both digital and traditional pencil colouring :p

and yeah i'll be searching for a job, even if we do get on the fellowship this time around, need money to sustain myself (and to buy more anime with)
15356 - Well, until they can make film into pills or liquid for needles, it doesn't count as an addiction to me. So you're fine splashing some money on our good friend, anime. :)

Doubt I can get anything better than what I have atm... With the credit crunch and all, it's hard enough to get the unemployed into work, never mind current employed personel looking for something better.
In contradiction though, if I get a better job, then there's more room for the less qualified to have my job. :)
Hah! So you noticed :oops:

I agree Chaz. I want a better job but reckon I'll struggle at the moment. Decent money here like, jsut a horrible job... ¬_¬
15359 - General assistant in TJ Hughes... Bleh! Technically, I could become a supervisor if I just learnt how to do returns (only thing missing out of my skills), but I dont like what they do and I dont think they'll employ part time supervisors.

And Voddas... You cant kill me! - I'm the monsta' truckin' Chaz! :p