Count to a Million

Guess that makes sense but I guess that means your stuck by the phone till they call. Hope it's wireless fopr toilet trips or you'll have to fetch the bed pan ;)
Have you watched Mushishi? Started watching it last night. Only watched the first two episodes like. It's very nice on the eyes to watch.

EDIT/ Having a longer lunch today so I'm off for it now. Gotta head to the bank! Oh joy!

Hope you get that call mate, by the time I get back. Laters.
15391 nope can't say that i have, i was looking at it when it first came out, and i did have a long hard look at the live action movie version of it, but in the end money matters came to a head.

Makes sense mate. I'll let you know how it pans out story wise.

You ghosted an edit I did on my last post too :p Bottom line is, off to lunch so I'll catch you this afternoon.
Cioa for now.
15394 - Ello! Anyone here? (I know Voddas will be back soon... Where are you Wolfy?)

Currently got "Nine in the Afternoon" by Panic at the Disco in my head, not that it's a bad thing. :) I think it fits anime/otaku well:
"Cuz it's 9 in the afternoon" - Cuz most fans are students and sleep in til late.
"You're eyes are the size of the moon" - Anime girls = big eyes.
"You could 'cause you can so you do" - Either the anime belief of Dattebayo or the fact that we buy DVDs/manga cuz we have the money for it.
"We're feeling so good just the way that we do" - Cuz we're fans!
"When it's nine in the afternoon." Same as above.

I say strange things. :p

Afternoon people. Chaz, that was indeed random. :lol:

Wow. Even quieter than usual around here today it seems. I've just finished watching Aguirre, The Wrath of God and am now summoning the willpower to finish my first article for my new blog which is already two weeks later than I promised. All great projects overrun though. ;)
15396 - I've never really (fully) understood blogs - Are they just like a diary but online and people can view it (rather than a secret one)? Cuz I usually call them journals if that was the case.

What you're describing is more of a Livejournal type of thing which is something I can't say I've ever really understood either. Most blogs are more like having your own newspaper column which comes out whenever you want it to, and covers whatever subject you want as well. Some people pick a specific topic for their blogs (such as anime) others just use them to express their opinions on anything and everything. Mine's going to be a bit of both.
!5399 - Get out, Voddas! We've having a proper discussion here! *Slams door* Now you were saying? lol

How's you Voddas?
@Ayase - sounds kinda kool, but probably not my thing. My opinion means nout to people and I dont have much to say anyway... *Walks away all emo*

Hey Voddas :p

@Chaz - My opinions may well mean nothing to anyone either, but I guess you have to express them in order find out eh?

Edit: Hey Black. Busying up again.