Count to a Million


Hi Mono :)

@Chaz I'm good cheers mate. Work is a little hellish at the moment so I might fade in and out of the thread this afternoon. I'll try my best like XD

@Ayase: Long time no write. Hows trix?

@Black THANK GOD! Bet that's a relief. All go to plan?

Hey Mono :)

Not a lot going on with me really Voddas... my casual job hunting is becoming a little more focused. Why are jobs all ****? The story I was writing seems to have hit a brick wall so I'm now harbouring dreams of turning some of it into a screenplay...

@Black - and are you who you say you are? :p

:lol: @Black Lets just hopes it's not a trap. Maybe their planning on drawing you in and then harbouring your soul? O_O

@Ayase You shouldn't resort to your dreams when you get stuck. You should have been using them from the start :p

I wouldn't be so sure Black. They can harbour it to creat a more powerfull sentient being that is invisable to the common naked eye!!!
Watch this space....
15418 oh you and your runaway inagination Voddas :p besides if that did happen i'm sure, being a goverment creation, it would be hindered by stupid red tape and would probably have to file out twenty forms before it could even attack a person :lol:

Maybe if it was a normal government firm... but remember Mi13 have a liscence to cultivate and mame... not to mention tentacle rape!!!!! Ssshhhh.....
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