Count to a Million

15442 who you gunna call? :p ... to get rid of your pirate ghost infestation, though you had better confrim if they are ghosts who became pirates after death or if they are the ghosts of dead pirates.

And on that note I will head out into the mist to forage for something for my tea.

If I'm not back in a couple of days it's safe to assume I've joined the crew of the Flying Dutchman.

Ah Har!

:lol: *nudges Black rubbing a tear from his eyes* He thinks he's good enough for the Dutchman... pfffttt...

I'll be going in the next 20 mins too mate so I'll catch you on another time. *salutes*
15445 lol :lol: well once he realises his folly he'll be back :p later Ayase but now i'm off anyway, its my sister-in-laws birthday, so i'll catch you all tomorrow (or later on)

Later guys! :thumb:

Seeya later Black *waves as he watches Black walk into the sunset*

*looks around* Ah well, mite aswell chill here on mt tod till I head of.

*leans back in chair and tilts hat down*

I'm okay and in my maths gcse class I found out what I got on exam which was 75 marks which was also the maximum marks you could get so that has made me really happy :D

How about you?

Wow!! Nice Mono. Remind me not to challenge your maths knowledge any time in the near future. ;)

I'm good to thanks. Bit of a tummy bug but soldiering on. Spending my Breaks reading the new Neo release. Looking forward to some of the anime releases heading our way this year! XD
15458 Hi Mono :) and congrats on your impressive results :D

Gah why do i promise impossible things, my g/f is going to kill me since i haven't finished this final chapter for her :( (to be fair it is strecthing over 9 pages now)
The final chapter or the whole story? :p

I'm sure she'll understand mate. Writtings not as easy as a pen to paper you know.

EDIT/ *Beats away tumbleweeds with broom*

This has been one of the quietest days in a while... Quite tranquel actually...