Count to a Million

15482 thanks :) It's quite fun doing it this way, as it helps a lot with creating characters when you can easily change the colours around to see which works best :p i can give you a brief story overview if you would like of the first in my book series :p (it's going to be four stories long with work beginning on the final part end of this month)
Sounds like you have everything under control mate. What type of story have you gone for? My sisters writting a fantasy. She's been writting it for a couple of years now. Sounds quite good too.
15484 well its sort of an action adventure, very much influnced by anime (at the time of the story's original conception i was just getting into this hobby :p) but anyway, the collective name for the series is Daemon Soul, with each story having an indiviual name, the first being Awakening.

Overview: Many eons ago, a war was fought for the human race, on one side, the angelic Saviours, on the other, the brutal and cruel Demons. The war ended when the Saviours created the ultimate trap for their enemies, the Void Gate, though is construction and activation cost the Saviours dearly. Once the dust had settled though it became clear that not all demons had been trapped, and with this came the threat that those demons still running free may rise up and free their master, the Over-Demon.

To that end the Saviours created a final legacy to protect the Void Gate and humanity from the demons, the being known as the Daemon Soul.

And for 18 year old Terry Baker life is about to take a turn for the worst, not only does he find out about his destiny from the engimatic Serena, but one of the strongest demons left behind has awoken, and only has eyes on slaugthering all to free his master.

...Okay i think the overview is suposed to be shorter then that but i got carried away :p

... omg Black. How long have you been writting? That's an awesome overview. Didn't explain to much but told me enough for me to get butter flies over. (Must admit, I did chuckle at the Over-Demon a bit for obviouse reasons). All in all it sounds liek a solid story mate. I could imagine it as an anime as I wa reading it too.

Cool :)
15486 thanks :D yeah i did name the Over-Demon like that for an obvious homage to that certain anime :p Well really i started writting again as a hobby back in 2004 with a story series spanning three short stories, though now i'm very crictial about them being my early stuff. Daemon Soul began in 2005 with main writting work going on over 2006, as there was a period of time where i flip flopped from one story to another.
Well if that over view is anything to go by, I'm sure it'll be a success. Are you writting it as a novel? Or for a manga? I could totaly see this drawn. As a matter of fact. There's no reason for it not to be in both...

...maybe I'm getting a little ahead of you there like, but that's how much I likes the sound of this story.

15488 lol :lol: Don't worry its being written as a novel at the moment :p but i did have plans for it to be a manga and even worked out how the chapters would be split up and for a laugh worked out which chapters would be in each volume :lol: Just my drawing skill kept me back from working on it . Tachi is reading through the series as we speak, currently he's on the second story and wants the third as soon as i've finished it
Gotta dash now mate. So i'll catch you later. I was thinking along the lines of selling the story to a manga artist? Or working togethjer with someone who can draw to your liking. Just a thought like.

Cioa for now. :p
15,496 - I'm currently watching "You're under arrest" from Kosuke Fujishima, same author as Ah my goddess. It's really fun, but a bit on the lenghty side. 16 dvds altogether =P