Count to a Million


Afternoon Black! Work is manic today as per usual for a Monday. DX

Off to lunch shortly so will have to catch you later.

*flying visit* :p

EDIT/ Back from lunch now and things are quietening down. Will be 2pm before it gets steady like.
15510 Well several places really, but that last one was for Pet's at Home, they were looking for people, but only part time work was available (15 hours per week) not hopeful i'll get it like but if i do get it, it will be the experince that counts.

How are you anyway?
I know what you mean mate. Any work is better than no work at the moment. I would love to leave this job, but I'd only leave it for a better paid job... and at the moment that's near to impossible ¬_¬
At least your trying like. I know some people who are just sitting their arses expecting everything to turn out peach. :roll:

I'm fine cheers, besides that Monday work blues I'm not so bad. How bouts you?
15512 yeah i still have an application to do for Wilkinson's (one's opening up in the town center near me) and i'll be having a look at the job center tomorrow when i go in. Things are going good though i'm doing more digital colouring stuff and i finished the third story :D and people are saying things like i should look at getting it published but i wouldn't know where to start...

Oh before i forget...
NICE! :thumb:
I think that's your best I've seen to date, and with the digital colouring too. You must have spent some time on that one? Pritty well proportioned too (i find that to be the biggest problem with drawings).

I think that your overview of the story you've written is very profesional. However you'd only be ably to take heed from the people who have actually read the novel itself.

What does Tachi think?
15514 thanks :) I'm rather pleased with that one myself, especially the facial expression. I spent a full day drawing it, and then about two days in colour.

Tachi said this:
Tachi said:
so i'm reading blacks stories he sends me.....more than 80 pages of genius.

I think he liked it :p

Well, what has Tachi mentioned about it? Anyway, it's what you want to do. Still think it would make an awesome manga myself like but also sounds like a good novel too. You'll probably have to tweak it a bit but I can imagine that Tachi's statment isn't too far off.

Really need to get my creative head back on. I'm drawing again now but don't have a scanner. I hate posting pictures I've taken with a camera too. Never seems to them justice... not that I'm saying their works of art or anything ^__^
15516 Well i haven't been able to pin down spefic comments other then what he thought of things (bascially he liked what he read, thought i did a nice job of the combat scenes), plus i'm always intrested to finding out who's people favourite characters are :p So far everyone who has read the story has liked different characters.

One of things i would of liked to do was have both, a novel series and then a manga series for those who rather see the action on the page. Before i roughly worked out how it would translate to the a manga (was okay, looked like i wouldn't have to add anything to make things flow better) I mean i would still love to do a game based on the series, but that's probably the thing furthest away from grasp at the moment.

You'll have to show those pictures somehow Voddas :p I want to see them :)

Yeah, I guess I'll find a way at some point :p

Your looking as far ahead as a game based on the story?! I wouldn't expect anything less from you mate. ^__^

I'd have a read of it myself but struggling to find time to read my favourite mangas at the moment myself...

Having a grumpy misses who's recently quit smoking can be a hella of a handfull!! She doesn't like me doing things that she can't join in on as it gets her adgitated... it won't last forever mind... I hope o_O
15518 so both you and your missus have stopped smoking then i take it? Well at least together you should be able to over come it (not to mention save a bit of cash) If you want to read it just let me know and i'll email you a copy :)
I'll PM you my email tmorrow me lado! Time for me to shoot now... and about time too. Today has been aright mare. ¬_¬

Catch you later mate ;)