Count to a Million

15,541 - I've missed one on the last page.

I've seen the first couple of scans of lost canvas, but the abundance os kanjis put me off :p I'd have to wait until I get some scanlation or even an official release.

I'm not after it right now though, as I rather complete my episode G collection I've already started.
15,543 - well, my opinion might be a bit biased by nostalgia here. But it's and awesome series, as good as DBZ. back home Saint seya and DBZ fanbase are very similar in size.

I've even got me a few of the golden saints figures and they also released an encyclopaedia for Saint seya there (i have it, but it's in portuguese)

Morning anyone and everyone :)

I've had a sleep on my problems and feeling much better now.

@Chaos : I work for Liberata which is a Taxing Company mainly. Also work in IT Support and Buisness Rates. Mainly a Tax Office though... i hates it.
Yo Black! Sorry, my head was somewhere else then... What's up today? I'm just bundling along at work. It's not as stressful as yesterday like so much easier. ^^
15549 nothing much i've just started some new drawing work, while i'm not happy with the composition of it, the rest of it is okay. just need to ink it. Also remember those chibi's i did a while back well i'm started to colour them in on the PC as well :)
Nice! I'l be looking forward to them :p
Wish I had time to sit and draw instead of being here at work. Soo jealouse.. but then again it's not like your not trying to get a job. Getting a job used to be so much easier... *sighs* Never mind mate.

Oh, did you see that new lasses art work on the creative thread. She may have a crazy craving for Harry Potter but her work is most awesome. Some of it reminds be of the Bubblegum characters you get of cards.... or is that just me?

Right... be bak in 30 mins, of to grab some eats. *stomach grumble* Soo, hungry...
15551 I saw her work..was the first person to comment on it actually :p But yeah i have things in the works and there's a full time job going nearby that i may look in to, but i realised this morning that i may not be able to go for it if we get the fellowship due to the job offering 37 hours a week.

You have too many responsibilities boyo! You could always see if they'd hire two part time staff? If you show enough intrest, they may take you on anyway. Getting yourself out there is the main thing.

Just don't go for a job in your local tax office! It's not worth it . :lol:
15553 i wouldn't know where my local tax office is to even go for a job :lol: Still i've also been looking in to book publishing but i quickly stopped once i realised that i had no clue what i was doing :p and that i know for definte that self-publishing isn't for me (way too expensive)

Hi Mono *waves* :)

I can imagine Black. Self publishing would be very expensive. Plus the more you spend, the more you'd be likely to be discovered. Sucks to be a writer ;)

I can't give you any tips on that subject like mate. If you've looked into it, then you already know more than I.
15560 aye it is a strange cycle, like they say you have to spend money to make money...but when you have no money to spend that's when you hit problems :p I did look on Tokyopop's website for a long shot but i think they only accept submissions from amercians (or those that live in the states) :(