Count to a Million


Sounds like a nice chilled night. I'm gonna stay up tonight and have a blow out on Zelda for the Wii. Still haven't completed it and now I'm kinda stuck. I dunno what to do!! T_T

You completed it?
I'm collecting the Mirror Shards and I need to get over the frozen lake but all I have is a drawing of a monster... I guessed I was suppose to show it to the Zorans but they haven't told me anything that will help me!!!!
15585 yeah i can't remember what to do there, but have you seen the Yeti yet in the mountains? There's a mirror shard up there. If my playthrough was more recent i could of helped more.

However i'm going to head off now and get ready for my g/f :) so i'll catch you all later :thumb: good luck Voddas :p but this website may help you

later all :)
Morning Everyone and anyone! Woke up thinking it was Friday today, I hate it when that happens.

@Chaos: Unlucky mate, guess most business' are feeling it at the moment like.... and I thought it wouldn't affect me. :roll:
I'm at home at the mo'. I've been off sick for nearly two weeks now (which is why I've haven't been around here much). It's much more dull than you'd think, sitting around the house doing nothing for a fortnight! I'm looking forward to going back to work!
So what's new? Did I miss anything? Anyone watching/reading anything good at the moment? :)
15594 afternoon all :) I watched Appleseed last night (the 2004 version) quite enjoyed it, and further more my parents enjoyed it as well :p

I bring news from Foxstripe, he's not with us because he was made redunant :(

@Panda i've also entered the realm of digital colouring :p
I've just had a flick back through some of the last few pages - the digital colouring's looking good! Are you pleased with it?

Appleseed is a good film - one of the first anime films I saw actually. And it's always nice when you can get your parents interested! I had my mum watching My Neighbour Totoro over christmas and she really liked it :D

I've been trying to put my sick leave to good use and I'm now about half way towards getting up to date with Naruto Shippuuden, but I've now got about fifteen or so episodes of filler to get through before it gets back to the main story again :(

And poor Foxstripe, I hope he finds something else soon. Are you job hunting at the moment Black?
15596 i am actually :) the red haired girl is now one of my favourite pictures.

Other then Appleseed i've been making my way through Gravion, still have the last DVD to watch mind. I've also been wondering whether or not to purchase the Higurashi R1 DVDs, i may have to check over import sites.

Yeah i'm hunting for work, rang a place this morning but the vacancy was already filled :( Still i'm sure something will come up, and if not...I'll just look at book publishing more seriously :p
15599 yep :) I'm sitting on three completed stories and wil lbe starting the final part in a few days time. I did post a overview of the series last week, i'll see if i can retrieve it

Hi Mono :) how are you today?
@Black - I've just gone back through and found the overview - wow, I'm impressed, it sounds like a great read! I like the idea of the normal kid discovering he's actually got this amazing destiny. Sounds like good stuff :) You really need to try and get it published, I'm intrigued - I want to be able to read it!

@Mono - Hi there :) how's it going?