Count to a Million


I don't know what to suggest mate. You could send it to them anyway but If you did, I'd suggest doing something to cover your back or make sure they didn't nick the idea etc. Not trying to say that Tokyopop are theiving gits like lol. Just saying...

I would suggest finding an artist you can work with before that step anyway. They'de probably want more than the story... well, i'd assume anyway as I obviously dunno how it works.
15564 well from what i can tell there's two different submision types, Manga and Ficition, Ficition from what i gather from the description means light novel type stuff the hybrid between novel's and manga. though they also say that an application would be helped by an artist, which doesn't help me since i rather be in contact with one near me...This would be far easier if i could just do it myself but i'm not at that skill level :(

Very quick hello from me, not been on since Sunday when I had a fairly major incedent involving my laptop screen and a mug of coffee (why can't I have nice things!?). ;)

Seems to have mostly dried out now, but a couple of blotches still remain so I'm going to leave it for another day or two.

So see you later guys, hopefully with a fully recovered laptop.

Qiuck Hello back Ayase :p Hope you get that Laptop sorted. We need more counting heads on this thread.

@Black: Don't put yourself down. There's no rush when it comes to stuff like this. You still have time to train your own drawing skills. YOu've obviously been drawing more than you used to... well, since your no longer making that game anyway. You could totaly do it yourself. Would take longer but then you'd be the only credit to it.
That would be awesome :p
15568 thanks :oops: It's just that i only seem to be able to do one type of drawing, i've always put off doing background drawing as it seemed too hard to do, and prespective drawing just seemed to make things more complicated. All this is making me wish that i had stuck with Art back at GCSE level. Ah well the road not taken eh?

@Ayase ouch i've done things like that myself :p Hope your laptop gets back to normal soon :)

Backgrounds aren't as hard as you may think. Obviously it is at first, but so would drawing a person the first time. Back grounds are usually just lines and shades. The main challange is getting distance and depth right... sorry, realised I was starting to go off on an art lesson conversation.

I'm not great at backgrounds, but they are much easier than people in my opinion. They don't even need to be that detailed unless it's invloved in what's happening in the script... am I goin on a bit? I am aren't I... ah well.

It something you can't fix right now anyway Black. You'll just have to see what happens. ^___^

Soo, what plans have we this evening?

I'm off to do the radio as per usual Wednesday. On my own tonight coz my fellow presenter is unable to make it. Done it before like. Just kinda strange talking to yourself. Plus between songs I, after I've setup the next lot of tunes, I just sit there and wait... it's lonley... but still fun. ^___^

Also got Resident Evil: Degeneration to watch. Might watch that tonight. Haven't decided yet.