Count to a Million

Your never alone on here Black. ;)

I've just been having a heavy meeting day so have hardly been at my desk much. When I have been, I've been playing catch-up. Add that to a bad mood and you have a VERY LONG DAY!!!...

*starts breathing into a paper bag*

..................I'm calm... ..... . . . . .

Well basicly, besides it being very busy today, I've been told some very depressing credit crunch influenced news.

*breaths in*

OMG! Be back in abit. Gotta go to another meetiong... :cry:

I'm back...

Basicly we should have been getting a back dated cost of living allowance in our wage. It was to be backdated to November 2007. Was only 2.45% increase... but it's still an increase. Now, however, we are not getting it backdated so we aren't getting the money. Instead it's starting from February, so we still have to wait!

The MAIN THING tho, is that I got a wage increase in November of £1000 which hasn't been actioned yet, pluse I get increased in November this year by another £1000! GUESS WHAT! They can't pay me any of this money untill April 2010! To make things worse, if I leave this job anytime before then, I get nothing!

How much does my job suck now?! It sucked before too! T_T

Talk about entrapment.... :cry:

EDIT/ Had enough for today. Off home, I'll catch you later matey.

@ Mononoke - I've seen pani poni, but I like azumanga better. xxxHolic Im reading the manga (currently on #10) and I love it as everything CLAMP.

@ Voddas - man that sucks. mind if I ask you where you work? so I can keep my distance ;)

and last, but not least, Hey Black!

I'm really enjoying PaniPoni Dash but I need to watch the rest of the series before I can compare it with Azumanga Daioh. And as for XXXHolic I'm also enjoying it so far and I'm also reading the manga which is also awesome :D and like you I'm also a huge fan of CLAMP :D
15,538 - I love the non-sense in pani poni. It takes to levels way beyond Azumanga. But azumanga is sometimes heartwarming, something that Pani poni is not.

As for xxxHolics, I can't wait for the anime to be released later this year :D I've got part two pre-ordered already.
15539 Chaos out of curiosity have you read any of Saint Seyia: The Lost Canvas yet? Also how would you rate the original Saint Seyia manga?. I was going to ask that in that introduction thread where you mentioned it but i didn't want to derail it :p