Count to a Million

15601 thanks :oops: Tachi is reading through them now, last time i spoke to him about it he was half way through the second story. As i've already discussed with Voddas getting it published isn't going to be easy, and i still like his idea of finding an artist and getting it mangaised :p
Hmm that's not a bad idea, that kind of story would work really well as a manga. There's loads of aspiring manga artists out there who I'm sure would be happy to have material like that to work with. Good luck!

Hi Black, Mono and sorry for disappearing Panda :cry:

I'm having a really really bad day at work. Don't know what the hell went wrong... everyones just stressing everyone else out... worse work day in ages. Waaaaahhh.....

FOX GOT BUMPED?!?!!! :eek: I thought us Tax men were safe too!! I mite not be getting my wage increase but at least that never happened.

Sorry to hear that man. :( *incase he reads posts*

Oh, in answere to your question earlier Panda... I'm watching "Mushishi" at the moment but also got "Fruit Basket" and "Sword of a stranger" to watch.
Reading Beserk and Claymore on the manga side of things too.

So far, it's quiet on the work front but foresee another busy day. Just popping on to say good morning to all or any that maybe lurking in the shadows.

May appear and disappear at times but round and about non-the-less. :D
15618 its mainly because when ever i finish a story i go through it and work away any errors i spot (and format problems) and i print it off as i go giving it to my proof reader. However all this time i just want to rush head first into the next one, which means i can easily make mistakes.
Well, your definately doing the right thing anyway. Think I would have gone head first myself, but you need patients. Plus, imagine doing several stories and then having to do a check... that would be worse.
15620 oh yeah that would be a pain. Especially since i'm prone to changing things when i go through them again. Ah well i think i'll head off to the bank to see if money has come through yet...Been too long since i've been able to buy anime or manga