Count to a Million


Your like me then. Two minutes to the Bank/Post Office/shops/mcdonalds etc. I love that my house makes everything so handy. ^_^

Can get noisy after drunken nights out though... ¬_¬
15628 sorry for the delay my comp went screwy, Ask and you shall recieve...

If you recall i expermented with Chibi's a while back and now they are the focus of my digital colouring excersises.
Oooh... aaahhh... Oh how her boobs shine in the moon shine :lol:

Well done mate, I think you've got the hang of it now. Just a case of practice, practice, more practice and then manga :p

Sweet! I thought your story was about a boy? Or is she the love intrest? *eybrows go up and down*

*loosk at watch*

Gah!! I 'll have to check your answere later mate. Got a meeting now, then home afterwards. Have a grande weekend mate. Have fun correcting your story.

Ciao for now. :p
15632 It is about a boy :wink: But in my overview i did mention that someone told him about his destiny, and that person is Serena (blue haired girl) anyway...Later Voddas :p

Helloooooo Vietnaaaaam ^_^

damn, i go and this place becomes a ghost town lol.
hope everyones alright, im currently watching FMA and loving it. abit annoyed with myself for not noticing it before...i'd seen it in AMV's but didn't think much of it. now i know its brilliant!

Take care....Tachi's off out partying Wooo