Count to a Million


Hey guys. I'm here too for a change. :p

I'll be around more again presently. Job hunting and laptop screen destruction was keeping me occupied...
15662 i'm good thanks :p my Digital skills are coming on i completed two this past weekend and i'm working on something now which i've never tried to do before

EDIT: Of all the chances :p Noon' Ayase job hunting as well? i'm a bit annoyed at the goverment at the moment, i was suposed to get JSA money last week and nothing has come :( and a few of the jobs i've looked at has had their vacancies filled yet haven't taken the job offer down from the website.

Yeah, it ain't exactly a good market at the moment. The only jobs going near me that I'm qualified to do are in banks :lol: and in particular, banks the news seems to be indicating are up a certain creek without a certain instrument. Might have to think about doing a bit of online trading or something to earn some money.
15664 yeah i've heard things about banks as well, including that a certain's banks job cuts are to do with more about paying fines then seeing off the recession. Sigh hopefully something will come up, otherwise the fellowship will be my last hope :lol: Which reminds me i have a meeting later today that i'm not looking forward to

Afternoon Ayase! :p
Nice to see you up and about today. What you been upto? Besides breaking screens and job watching.

What's your meeting for BlacK? JSA related again?
15666 nope fellowship related this time, i'm going to get talked to on why they want us to do the project in Java, and they are probably going to inquire about my experinces with it, which will lead to me revealing that i almost flunked that subject in uni

Ouch, no wonder your not looking forward to it. Well, they should realise that it's not all about Java and your skills are broader than they may first appear. They'd be stupid to take you on face value mate.... not that there's a problem with your face... erm.. I mean you have a lovely face... erm...

OMG! *smacks self in the face*

... you'll be fine :p

Afternoon Voddas. :p

Other than my more mundane activities, I've mainly been on the PS3 and re-reading a few graphic novels (Sandman, Transmetropolitan). I've started the Nausicaa manga too, which is really great, better than the film even.
15669 The bright side is there's a chance we may not have to do the project they are offering us, and so i can go back the other computer langauges i know i'm comfortable with (and i already know so i won't have to waste valuable time relearning Java from scatch). However they are pretty firm with their stance that to do the project they are offering, it has to be Java
Harsh man. Well, you'll just have to se what happens. You mite get lucky.

@Ayase: I'm planning on taking on the Nausicaa manga at some point. Seen the movie more times than I've seen anything else ever (fact). Watched it every night without fail for months and months. May sound wierd but I find it very relaxind, and I'm still to get bored of it.
15671 Sorry for the long reply i was busy with the colouring and lettering of something, almost complete though in fact here's a tease.

EDIT: Well i'm off now for that meeting, i'll talk to you all later.

Later dudes.
Hi there :D Hope everyone is having a good day.
I have been unbelievably busy today. It's my fault for being off sick for so long, but I just can't believe how much the work has piled up while I've been off. I guess it just shows how indispensible I am! :p
Well I'm off again, back to the ol' grindstone. Hopefully I'll be around a bit more later on in the week :)

Hi Chaos! Hows trix?

@Panda: Hello :p I know what you mean. I've been working my **** of recently too. Sadly, work cometh before forum so I've been slim pickings on the threads too. Hope to catch you late mate.

EDIT/ Hmmm... I'm sure I heard someone come in then? Oh well...