Count to a Million

15,690 - heh, it figures. I wonder why they won't even make a slight effort to understand other countries accents, even though it's the same language :(
15,691 - ...and so begins another day.

Morning everyone!

OMG! They made an American Version of Life on Mars?! That's just wrong. I don't like sharing series with America. They have sh*t loads of their own as it is.

...thats just greedy. ¬_¬

Morning anyone and everyone...

American adaptions are always good for a laugh though Voddas (at rather than with I mean) just look at the American Red Dwarf pilot :lol:

The sucessful ones seem to do that terribly American thing and run forever as well. Their version of The Office? 77 episodes and counting...
Hi Ayase,

Your not wrong. The Red Dwarf Pilot was cringe worthy. *shudders*

Never watched the UK Office so haven't really seen much on the American Office. Steve Corell (spelling) is a geniouse at times like.

Don't think I've seen... anything with him in, so can't comment!

Loved our Office, but it's hard to think it would still be funny after 70 odd episodes... The script was very funny but for me it was the cast's performances that really made it. I've been playing GTA4 recently and it was a surprise to hear Ricky Gervais on the radio! :D
15695 Morning all :p Speaking of Red Dwarf have you heard the latest? A new two part Episode is coming out at Easter :D (only on Dave mind) Red Dwarf: Back to Earth its called.

I'm sure there's more english to american program adaptions, just wait though we'll get our own back...CSI London anyone? :p

Hey Black.

My first thought on hearing that was "awesome", then I remembered the last two series. :(

I'll still watch it all the same, fingers crossed it'll be good.

And CSI Bognor would be better, surely? ;)
Hi Black!

@Ayase: Steve Corel is in Anchorman/40 Year Old Virgin/ Evan Almighty plus more. He does comedies basicly.

"Loud Noises!"

@Black: I have indeed heard of the special for Red Dwarf on Dave. Infact they're doing a stage show too but instead of having a rehersal, they're just on stage in character. Should be intresting.

CSI:Morcambe - The crimes would be limitless :p
15698 How about Law and Order: Street Wardens? :p After america trying to take Spaced (without the creators knowing as well how low is that) i say we should take their best shows, and in return give them our soaps, though apparently there was a pilot made for an american Eastenders.

I heard of the stage show as well, that should be good, but it can also go the otherway depends how spontanous they are.

@Voddas btw to answer your question from yesterday she was holding a hammer not a lolipop :p

Our CSI could rotate around dead seaside towns.

"This week on CSI Filey: Another elderly caravan park resident is found dead. Was it natural causes again, or is the fact that they weren't a member of the Caravan Club motive for murder?"
15700 turns out it was the guy who was in the rory the tiger costume at the local Haven resort, his motive? He was under orders to presuade the elderly gentleman, but it all went wrong

The question is, How was he planning on persuading the elderly gentleman?

All we have is this seaman sample to go off too. :p

Off to lunch now guys. Be back on laters.