Count to a Million

15703 later Voddas :p i wonder what other cases would present themselves before the Filey team? A body of a chav gets washed up on shore? Was it sucide? Or was he in over his head?
A local woman said she saw him jump from a window at around 10.30pm but the post-mortum suggests he was dead hours before... very strange.
15705 intrestingly enough a business card was found in his pocket with a smudge of lipstick on the back, although the details on the card lead to a fake address the supposed owner has links to a local gang that has started up there.
Samples of the lipstick directed us to a corner shop off the beaten track who sold imported makeup supplied from 3rd world countries. (Also belived to be involved in drug trafficing). The lass behind the counter looked beaten and din't give away much. Suspisions arose.

It is you Tachi! Not in work today?

Oh, and I didn't really think you murdered that chav by the way... *kicks bloody knife under the sofa*

Sorry to hear that man. Won't talk about untill your read/want to.

Works actually going ok today for a change. Work has been steady so I have time to relax (and post). What you been upto today with not being in work then? Or was there a late sleep-in involved?

I woke up at 11....been listening to music on my speakers on full...the house shakes with every beat...its nice.

so far today i've spent time thinking things over. fixing my room and trying to wake up...even though im awake..its like a this can't of happend. you know when people say "i'd be lost without you" i feel lost. like im not actually here...and im just waiting to wake up and laugh about it all being a stupid dream.

I'm rallying up everyone i know and fronting a mass meet up. haven't called one since the end of high school. but these next days will be a blur. and everynight well all be down town clubbin. i have next monday booked off work anyway because my new ps3 comes then...but it'll be the day that the partying takes a days grace...and we start again on the tuesday.

But thats the way i feel right now...

on a brighter note.

wha do you think of my dp? im getting it done on my shoulder soon...

lanning on a few drinks then. I know what you mean about it feeling like it's a dream. Happened to me before on more than one occasion (not proud like). Best thing to do is to keep yourself occupied... well, you seem to have that under control.

I've spent the last week coming in and out of hospital actually. One of my close mate colapsed last weekend. Started throwing up blood and passed out. We find out in the next few days on whether he has a tumor or not. Plus, the night before it happened, his nan died of a brain anurism (*spelling). It pains me to see him but all our otehr mates are away working or just live away in general. Hoping he'll be fine like.

EDIT/ *See's edit on Tachi post*

Sweet, that looks pritty badass mate. Tattoo?

Yeah, my dad just got home. sat talking for a while and saw the good sides to single need to be faithful to anyone but myself. and can go buy drinks for just me now lol.

Hopefully your friend will pull through...has he had a scan yet?
Lifes a bitch at the best of times....but when life gives you give em back and say "no thanks mate i prefer a carlsberg" :)

Yeah that tat took a while to draw properly. but i'm getting it done on my shoulder. and my family members names on my wrist in japanese.

Afternoon people. Slipped away during the quieter moments there to watch some Deadwood.

Sorry to hear about you predicament Tach. And your mate Voddas... ****. Makes me want to open a beer for the both of you, but I'll avoid it so we don't slip into a state of melancholy here. I will say though, that you seem more together at the worst of times than I am at the best of times Tach. :)

So... new PS3 Tach? What happened to the old one?

Sweet, Tachi. Sounds good. Didn't realise you drew that yourself. Very nice. :thumb:

Hallo again Ayase. You know you can get blue pills for that. But don't worry, it happens to the best of them. ;)

more "together"?? lol you haven't seen my room then :p broken chest of drawers, smashed frames. broken boxes and my hand....where i was holding onto a radiator to keep myself from falling...and now have second degree burns....the best bit is...i can't feel anything. stood on a drawing pin and only noticed when i was making tapping noises and the trail of blood whilst walking on laminated flooring, not a pretty sight....and my doors broken too...

but the anger and pains gone...and i just feel like im in a dream like i said....running on autopilot.
but i like it this way right now....i'm coming to terms with it all.

My ps3 broke afew eeks back...i figured the disk drive had knackered. my dad wanted to open it up and check (knowing next to nothing about computers....which worried me abit) he looked it over and said "yep....its broken"
once again another facepalm moment.

called up sony and their sending me a refurb'd 60gig model in exchange for my broken 60gig model.
my warranty expired....but the woman said as it was my first time claiming and it was her birthday....she'll gve me a extended 15months. so i now have to give them my ps3 and get one back on monday.

loads of fun as i can't watch any movies or play DMC4 for a while :(

i've bought pretty much all of season 1 part 1 and 2 of FMA and i must say....i love it. lol

how're you ayase?
(i swear your only in london.....i'm not far enough to turn down a pint if offered ;) )

Ah... perhaps "together" was the wrong word then. Optimistic? Forward looking? (trying to cheer you up here ;) )

That's bloody nice of Sony! :eek: Or maybe they know they can fix it and pass it on as another refurb?

Would that I were in London Tach... there are prob'ly more jobs going! (but higher rent I guess). Ah, I love the North and the sea too much to consider it. ;)

Not got round to FMA yet, I got the first part from Amazon the other day. Everyone seems to say it's brilliant.