Count to a Million


It is a good series like. I've seen it now and loved it. Was one of those series that left you wanting more... well it did to me anyway.

Do you think I could by a refurbed PS3 on the cheap? Or are the only for swaps? Hmm... then again, I'd love a new one.. God, I wish I was rich. ¬_¬

Gamestation and CEX sell used PS3's, when they have them in stock that is. Not sure about price but I imagine you could knock at least £50 off.

I'm not anything atm mate, not looking forward to anything...but at the same time im not in dispair. im just sorta drifting along. i'll wake up sooner or later dw. and when i do two things will of triggered it....1 she realises she's made a mistake...or two...i move forward.
she dumped me and won't tell anyone fine anyway. me and black sat up till 2am talking through so glad i've got a good mate like him to talk to till stupid hours lol

Sony will probably take a look at it and go....."the disk drives broken" just like i said. then they'll probably just replace it and send it on. my mates ps3 died the week after mine. maybe the 60gig model has a expected life?? and sony have secretly decided to fix the problems free of charge just so nobody complains?

Damn you ayase lol Londons not too bad.....*coughs* ;)
I'm takin a weeks annual leave and heading up to manchester over easter so if you guys want to meet up in newcastle at some point then i'll be a train away :p

I regret i took so long to become interested in FMA, the first part definatly is brilliant :D.
Hmm, if it was only £50 I'd settle for a new one with warrenty. Nay mind, could even afford one for half price at the moment anyway... I'll just dream for now.

@Tachi: Why Newcastle if your in Manchester? I'm an hour away from Manchester too :p

Right, I'm going to disappear again. Easter might be a problem for me Tach, but it would be good to have a meet up at some point. :)

Any place is bound to be better or worse for some of us. Newcastle and Manchester are both about the same for me. Manchester's better for Voddas, Newcastle would be better for Black. Leeds? :p

See you guys later.
Most of my Family is from Newcastle. I on the other hand reside on the west penincular of Cumbria. One way and one way out. You better recognise! lol

Catch you later Ayase

Enjoy FMA mate. Hope your feeling better too mate.

Ciao for now.

*looks around empty thread*

Guess I'll make a move now too.

*walks out turning the light off on his way*

*pops out from behind sofa*

Gah! How did you spot me Mono?!

*mental note - never play hide and seek with Mono*

Afternoon Mono and Black. :p