Count to a Million

15,761 - In London I would recommend Japan Centre (also has a nice melonpan and snacks)
There is a restaurant chain called wagamama which is decent as well and should be easier for you to find one. I believe quality wise, they must be the same everywhere.

Londan ay? T_T

My only options are Tesco/Asda/Co-Op and M&S. No fancy Japan Centre for me. T_T

Never seen a melonpan in the flesh either.
15,763 - never seem real ramen in any english supermarket. let me re-phrase that, Ive never seem real ramen in ANY supermarket.

Not being picky, it's just that the ready made stuff is absurdly different. If you have any kitchen skills I can teach you how to do it. buying the right noodles and making the soup are the hardest part, but hey, it's all part of the fun =)
15793 I always go a bit further when i produce the proof read copy of my stories, so ever since the first one i created a set of fact files detailing the characters. This time i went even further and created a little Chibi 4 panel strip introducing the section, basically she just had to use that hammer on the main character who was getting a bit too cocky.

Okay thanks Black.

I started again with that story map, I found a template with more administrative borders so I can make it more accurate (it's set in an alternate present). I could upload it so you can have a look once I'm done if you like.

Well I'll describe the world to you... ;)

It's basically a world where the major powers of Europe (Germany, Russia, Britain) refused to honour their treaties in World War I for fear of a larger war, leading to what was a global conflict in our world simply becoming the conquest of Serbia by Austria-Hungary. This in turn led to there never being a World War II, which meant the european Empires never declined, and in fact expanded resulting in the spheres of power being very different (weak, isolationist America, Strong British, French, German Empires. Empire of Japan unopposed in Pacific except by China).
15799 Intresting proposition, me and a friend were working on our own timeline, something similar although you can tell from looking at it what each of us added to it :p

What about Russia in your timeline? Did the revolution still take place?

Yes - I figured there was still enough support for communism in Russia. Even though the war contributed to people's decisions to support the revolution Tsar Nicholas was still a weak and generally disliked ruler.

But in my world the atomic bomb was never developed, so a Cold War never ensued. The European powers keep the Soviet Union contained, but certain European countries (or their equivalents in my world ;)) which had their own revolutions or elected communist leaders without direct intervention from Russia still allied themselves with USSR. I've decided Putin still became leader (he was in the KGB, and seems to run Russia like it's still the Soviet Union anyway).