Count to a Million


I have a pretty good outline of the plot (though not decided on an ending yet!). It cartainly has political (and espionage) elements, but really it's a "what if" story asking would the world have been better or worse off, would it even have made any difference and is war inevetable?

I've made it sound a bit boring there... it will be entertaining I promise! :p
15805 Sure you can hear it :) Well the idea is that hitler was killed in the trenches, so the Nazi party never made it into power (or never called itself the Nazi party for that matter) and with Germany's problems they instead went into Communism. Of course in this timeline its more of an idealistc communism so it wouldn't work in the real world. Anyway of course this isn't the only change, in this timeline the Soviets have the benefit of having a technological advantage over the rest of the world with their pironeering M-1 Construction type (you have 3 guesses what M means :p ) which they aquired due to my borrowing of the infamous Tunguska event in the early 1900s
15807 well what we're going for is many stories being set in that world, so the protangoinst and antagonists will change. For example one of the ones i'm planning for it, is a young russian soldier who is among the first to use the M-1 Military Type (construction type came first) and it charts his growth and life from each battle he progresses into, which is most of the second World War, and the battle for Newfoundland (this timelines version of the Cuba Crisis). I also have plans for an amercian scientist who in the early 1950s is whisked away and is forced to work on deciphering something which i called Pandora's Box at the whim of the Facist dicator in charge at the time. Thanks to my friends great historical intrest he had fleshed out a lot of things :)

That's sounding really interesting. I have to admit to being a bit of a politics and history buff myself.... I'm finding even more out as I draw this map, looking for old maps and in the process finding out about countries that used to exist or might have been - and then incorporating them into my world of course. ;)
15809 yeah through this i've learned a bit about what happened in russia during the early days of the Soviet Union, some good some bad and borderline something that Hitler would of done. We hope to utlise a lot of historical figures

What is it Churchill said about Russia "a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma?" A lot of people think the Soviet Union would have been more true to it's ideals if Trotsky took over rather than Stalin, but it's worth bearing in mind Lenin warned against giving either of them overall control... in a letter before his death that Stalin read and then had surpressed.

Afternoon Tach. :p

Good one! Do tell us how... :D

Interesting fact I learned recently Black, Russia and Belarus have been having on and off talks on the possibility of uniting into the "Union of Russia and Belarus" which means seeing as how it wouldn't be Russia anymore, there would be nothing stopping Putin running for president again...

I think the sophos now disabled. lol simple.
also...i sorta have access to all the documents previously locked...


'bout time i had some break through with luck :p

how's all?

lets see if i can sort this place back to what it was :D
15817 @Ayase intresting if it did come to pass.

Tach@ I'm fine, just working away at the proof read copy, and trying to get the colouring done on the cover with 52 mins remaining to work on it T_T

EDIT: I still find it eerie when we post at the same time
lol well...everyone in the trust has a U drive....personal documentation....i could find out pretty much anything.

Some things never change black ;)