Count to a Million

15422 - Sorry about silence... We've hit a problem with the Xbox 360... 3 Red Rings of Death. TT_TT And the warrentee has gone on it, so I'm not sure how it'll be solved.
15423 That sucks chaz :( I'm dreading if it happens to me its seems plausible that i could be the only person to still have a working original Xbox 360 from launch. Though mine has never been on the internet...a possible link prehaps?

@Voddas: Is that why the overfiend isn't taking my calls recently? Because he's the head of Mi13?
15425 - WOW! We've had to change it numerous times (it's our 4th to mess up). We keep it in a good air supply and dont stack it, but it still messes up.

And go find them face-to-face, Wolfy! I've learnt that you can never get things done properly until you do. :p
(I dont plan on going to London just for a call though.)
15427 - *Glomps Wolfy* YAY! You mentioned Saber on the "Anime name game." Sorry, but I've been watching Fate/Stay Night, and I really like her character.

He's always leaves the phone of the hook Black. It's nothing to do to you. He's just a bit down after the shop/cafe had to close due to the credit crunch.
Poor Overfiend. :(
15430 i mentioned Archer the other day as well :p and i also loved Saber :oops: but not as much as Arcuied from Tsukihime. Fate Stay Night is a good show and gets my thumbs up :thumb: (an a 8 on my MAL)

Edit: @Voddas yeah plus i did hear news that his live action story of his life was rejected again in hollywood, something about being too violent...
15432 - I highly recommend it to! The only thing that urked me was the 2nd intro. It's just not as good as the 1st one.
Was suprised to see who Archer was to be honest.

You actually know this Overfiend guy?

See ya Mono... and good luck.

@Black : I heard about the movie too but I also heard the Overfiend wasn't happy with the choice of actors. Aparently Matt Damon doesn't look good in tentacles. *shruggs*

@Chaz : Yeah, we used to know the Overfiend quite well. Infact we all worked for him at one point... but that was all in the past now... *fades off into a daydream*
15436 bye Mono and good luck :)

@Chaz, the 2nd op grew on me over time, as for Archer, unfortunatly i knew who he was going into the series since i had looked up Fate/ Stay Night on wiki not long after finishing Tsukihime and i checked on the characters :p i like how it hints who he is in the anime with out saying too much, but if you knew what signs you were looking for you could of guessed...

Surely that should be "screams out of room holding teeth"? See ya Mono, Chaz.

Bloody Hell. Just looked out the window and either there's some very thick fog out there or something's on fire (hopefully not my car). That or The Mist is coming.

The Overfiend is currently relaxing in his Bahamas estate, mulling over running for the European Parliament if his Hollywood dreams come to nothing.
15437 lol he should actually, then they might rape something other then the economy for once :lol: (bad taste joke i know...i'll just go back to my colourings then...)

but Ayase it may not be the mist it could in fact be...the fog (the original version not the crappy remake)
15439 saw that on the news earlier :lol: No Overfiend will probably get some professional in to do his protait :p an easy way to identify what the fog/mist is, just ask some questions.

1) is it glowing?

2) does it contain muderous Pirate Ghosts?