Count to a Million

15361 - It's a discount store, so you get lots of items at a knocked down price compared to the RRP. depending on the product, it's hit and miss on how well the thing works, but most of it is genually good. But we do get lots of returns, but most are "wrong size" clothing and such.
15363 - Dont know that, Wolfy, but I wouldn't be too suprised. We accept almost all cards, and with a system that flexable, it may indeed be like that. But I cant say for certain.
I don't condone robbery, but when they get away with it, as long as no one got hurt, I can't help being impressed.... is that wrong?

EDIT/ Just to be clear, I'm refering to huge robberies, not holding up a milkman with a water pistol.
15365 but i don't think they got away with it, there was quite a few arrests i believe, what would impresse me is a modern day Robin Hood, someone really giving the money away to charities or something like that
15366 - So it's no use trying to "persuade" my bro to give me something while putting him in a headlock and threatening to smash his brains in with... a plastic hammer? :D

Just wanted to be sure, before I tr-hi everyone!

If "Robin Hood" gave robbedmoney to charities, wouldn't the charities also be fined? That'll mess up their stability a lot... "Thanks mate."
15371 sorry about that i had to take care of soemthing, and now i'm back to my wait for this stupid phonecall just because they couldn't read the stupid note i left for them
15,372 No worries mate.

Have you left them a mesasage? Or did they say they'd call back? If it's not in the next 20 mins, I don't think it's gonna happen today (again).
I see..... well it looks like you mite have been stood up Black. You need to give them a bollocking over the phone tomorrow. I would. DX

So quite on this thread these days. I know Tachi has been gagged and bounded but where's Fox too? Haven't seen him on in a while.
15375 - *Pounds head several times onto desk*
Well, dentists was alright today - fast and simple.
Getting there was -fun- though: Car ignition was locked by my dad after moving it last night, and I got a msg from uni today. "You coursework deadline has been extended for the 30th." ... WAH!!!! It's good news, but I've been busting my a** off this week to get it done friday. Pleh! *Flops down...

Oh sorry, was talking to myself... Hi guys!

@Voddas - I know! Where are these so-called contributers to the "pointless" thread?! :p

Yo Chaz. You totaly Ghosted my last post you Bond inpersonater :lol:

I'm so glad I don't have to worry about exams anymore... but I guess now I have to worry about bills, feeding myself and working all the time T_T Soon it'll be KIDS O_O

*ahem* Got plenty of time before then like :p

Right guys, I'm gonna sign off now. Gonna leg it outta here and try and get ahead of the traffic. Wish me luck!

Shuold see you on tomorrow but might be busy, we'll see.

Ciao for now!! :D
15379 - Aye, good idea that. I dont think I can draw A2 size near a PC though, so if I were to do it, it'll be A4 biggest. :p
I dont mix PC and drawing on pads anyways. I prefer to save electricity and draw away from it.

Gonna log off myself tbh. Cya when I cya, mate!