Count to a Million

It's just such a long game... not that I'm complaining like. I love long games. For the money you pay for it too. Took me a long time to complete Ocarina. Never played Wind coz never had a cube. ¬_¬
With not having the Cube I never played 1 or 2. Will be borrowing 3 off my mate however I told myself that I had to complete Twilight first. Also got Mario Planet to complete. Omg!
My mate said the same. Haven't played it yet myself but now I have something to aim for.
Need some more games like that for the Wii. Too many kids party games out for it. I need more challenging games rather than a one day blast.
155227 i agree the wii is capable of much more but it seems that most developers are just taking the easy route with the games, and even nintendo are doing this, there are serious games out there but they are falling to the wayside
Yep, to be honest I can't think how long it's been since a seriouse Wii Game... maybe Resident Evil 4? Which was already out anyway. They built the Wii so that it's playable by anyone making the age range HUGE! However, I'm assuming there's a large gap opening in there for teenagers. Only oldies and kids buying the games at the moment (probably).
15229 it isn't that hard to do, just start making games that take advantage of the control system that aren't party games or "non"games. First Person shooters are almost ideal when you think about it, it will be hard to get ahold of those who favour the mouse keyboard controls but there's nothing to say you can't attempt it at least. Also Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles was out before Resi 4 wii edition :p

Actually that brings up another point, the ports, stop rereleasing old stuff with some new gimmicks, just create new games. Leave the rereleases up to the Virtual Console (Spatter House 2 my god i've missed you)
Tell me about it. It's not like the prgraming can be that complicated as most of it's already there. They must just be being lazy. Ah, they've been releasing movie games like. Iron Man for example and the Hulk ¬_¬ But how often is it that you get a movie released game that's actually worth playing... besides GoldenEye like (had to be said). =P
15231 Spiderman the movie 2 was a pretty alright game, on the whole most movie adaptions are dire, the best route to take is maybe set the game as a prequel (ala the excellent Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher's Bay) a game like that is freed from the confines in the film, allowing breathing space.
Never played that but I guess (by your heavy breathing) that the game was alright. Your right though but then they wouldn't be film releases and would defeat the whole play the movie idea. But yeah, I agree anyway coz there's just not the same intrest in playin out a storyline you already know is going to happen.
Spider Man was a good one like. But you had a form of freedom in that game too.
15233 other problems that crop up is things have to be changed in order for the game to work or for it to be longer. Take Transformers the movie for instance, in the game you had to run around a lot and you did things that weren't in the movie like fighting drones over and over again. The odd things are what about games based on a film franchise but aren't based on a film like the bond games that EA came out with.

Hi Mono *waves* :D

I agree again Black. They could add something to the games but fighting drones over and over again isn't that exciting like (but I'm sure you know that). Oh, also yeah, the EA bond games were good, very good in some cases. The benefit of those games is the fact that they're just basing it on a genre rather than a movie. Yes that's right (bond is officially a genre) imo lol. Easy to make bond games. Some awesome star wars games too like. Jedi Knight! *slaver*
Guess we could go on and on about this but the bottom line is... eerr... hmmmm... oh yeah! We need more adventurouse Wii games dammit!
15237 Hi Mono :)

@voddas yeah, Star Wars always had its good games (KOTOR series, Jedi Knight series, X Wing Series, Rouge Squadron series) and its bad games (Masters of Teras Kai, Rebel Assault, super bombard racing)

but yeah more good wii games please, its perfect for sword fighting games

Hope all is well in Mono land? Any gossip? :p

@Black: True on the starwars game front. There's been so many games though that the good definately outways the bad, unlike movie releases.

*Stretches and looks at watch* Not long till home time! XD