Count to a Million


And so enters Otaku. Hi man ^^

Hmm, Black's got me thinking now about what anime I plan to watch. There so much in my list to watch like. There's no way I'm gonna run out any time soon. Not sure if I want to watch Fruit Basket after Wolf's Rain like. I'm undecided...
15,208 - you everyone

@black - what's this fellowship thing? in any case, best of luck for you guys. If brain training succeed, I'm pretty sure "educational" software is not considered such a bad idea anymore ;)
15209 @Chaos that's a quick run down of it, we would be on the creative one i think (may be innovation one instead) Bascially by signing on to this we get given funding and help from tutors on a project of our choosing (or so you may think but from personal experince i'm not so sure). The project length is also defined by you, but typically its between 3 months and 6 months. During this time the team has to attend lectures on buisness practises and managment courses as by the projects end you have to set up your own company (in the north east) so one person in the team normally bites the bullet and settles for learning all the nesscary busisness stuff (all the legal mumbo jumbo, how to manage time properly etc) Back in april of last year we saw it as the quick ticket into the games industry


Well, it's nice to see i'm missed :)
To be honest, work hasn't been the same since the bast*coughs* got in a new company to deal with the internet....i'd managed to bypass the proxy and cut myself off from the server blocks that where in place before...but now there's a program that moniters your sights and it loads the site....searches it.....then blocks i don't have much hope of getting past it....chaos gave me a link to reverse proxies....i'll try it tomorrow i possible. bored at i'm reading blacks stories he sends me.....more than 80 pages of genius.

ANYWAY, i'd better come off here and get back to my book....Ricky gervais presents the world of karl

"tha-tha-tha-thats all folks"
15211 Argh my last post detailing the fellowship scheme has fallen prey to last post on page syndrome :(

:p Welcome back Tach, though from your comment i wonder how you feel knowing that the second story is over 140 pages... :wink:


Morning all... hope everyones well. Work is a lil busy today coz everyones calling in ill. Alot of bugs going round at the minute. They just keep missing me tho.

Why would I touch wood when I could be in bed for a few days. Heh.

Morning Black. Got quiet quickly on here yesterday.

Oh! Did you see? Did you see? Call of Duty: Moder Warfare 2!!! And it's not World War based either!
15217 there's an inuendo about what you just said...must resist...

and yeah i saw :p a good step now we must ensure that no more WW2 games come out for at least 5-6 years, give the genre a break!

anyhow i'm off for an hour to play Metroid Prime 2 Echos, picked it up yesterday to complete my Metroid Prime collection but i'll return about 1 till then peace out

EDIT: So i'm back now :p
Sorry man... work got manic while people went off for lunch. Sods law I guess.

Which console is that Metroid Prime played on? Out of interest
15219 Well the first two MP games were played on the Gamecube (in fact MP 1 was my first Gamecube game) but i'm playing MP2 on the Wii :p thanks to backwards compatability and the ability to use GC memory cards and controllers
Those Wii's don't half come in handy sometimes lol.
I've only started playing on my Wii again in ages. Took my controlers to a mates house and he went away. Every time I saw him after that, I kept forgetting. Now I finaly have them back. Woop!
Still haven't completed Zelda on it yet!! :oops: