Count to a Million


MORNING...throat infections trying to make a 3rd revival. but i'm ready for it!
was going to go round to Laura's tonight with some flowers and chocolates (with brandy or whiskey in them....purely for medicinal purposes) and cheer her up.....then i remembered she's off to manchester to see man utd play...dammit.

out of the 4 best friends....
I'm fighting a throat infection on a weekly basis
Sam's got a cold or lu...nobodies sure but he can hardly walk.
Leo's got a full blown cold.
Ben's fine....because apart from college...he never ventures out of his house. hardly socializes anymore.

so pub tonight which was the back up option looks like its going to fail.
can't go on our actual pub day = thursday because everyones busy, friday i'll spend the night with laura.
saturday nothing planned. sunday probably relax and finally go down the local with the lads.

lol both (Mine and Laura) our families are Man Utd fans.

well when everyone gets colds....i just get throat infections lol
used to be alot worse when i used to sing for DH....with you straining your voice and your mouth open alot more than the rest your more prone to getting a throat infection :/

Unlucky. I've been ok in that department. I get colds more than anything really. Haven't had a swore throat for years and never had a hardcore bug (eg Liqued squerting out of every hole for days). That's nasty.

I just got given a box of chocolates, a bottle of Smirnoff and some diet coke from why work team. Yaaay!! Fancied some chocolate too. ^__^