Count to a Million


being part northern and part saddly knowledgable in both lol

heard this one?
"yorkshireman yorkshireman, born and bread....strong in the arms but thick in the head"
14546 *looks up from his mission of searching the internet for good prices*

Oh that afternoon thing yeah it was bad during uni as i often had the feeling of falling asleep in the lectures, which would be bad if i did since i always sat at the front

*jumps up from desk with a grunt with and peace of A4 stuck to his face*

OMG! My head is nodding... this ain't good. I hate feeling like this in work. I need something exciting to happen.

Oooh... YES!

Anything really. Just something to liven me up up a little. *yaawn* n Nearlly time for my break anyway like. Mite go stand in the icey air for 10 mins.
Dman, it's cold out today!
14553 cool :p oh and to continue that conversation from the other thread There is a group who have translated most if not all of the Type-Moon games (i think all versions of Fate/ Stay Night included)
BlackWolf said:
14553 cool :p oh and to continue that conversation from the other thread There is a group who have translated most if not all of the Type-Moon games (i think all versions of Fate/ Stay Night included)


AWWSooomE :D defiantly worth a looking then when i have the time
ayase said:

Hey Voddas! Did you hear? Heysham's just gone into meltdowwn!

Exciting enough for ya? :p


Wait what? :?

@Otaku cool :thumb: though after some research i never realised that Utwaremono (spelt it wrong probably) was one of those type games to begin with :lol: