Count to a Million


Voddas said he wanted something exciting to liven him up a little!

It's okay everybody, I made it up. No-one's going to die. :lol:

How's everyone's day been?
BlackWolf said:

Wait what? :?

@Otaku cool :thumb: though after some research i never realised that Utwaremono (spelt it wrong probably) was one of those type games to begin with :lol:


O RLY i didn't either interesting i recall air, Kanon, Clanned and Shuffle being ones but Utwaremono...whod have guessed
14563 makes you wonder what other series started out like that :p

@Ayase been good and annoying at the same time...if such a thing was possible.

@Mono Hi mono how are you today :)

Hey Mono. Sorry, didn't notice you there I just arrived myself. :)
Hope you enjoyed your work exp.

Hmm... Where's Voddas gone all of a sudden?

::Imagines him leading evacuation of Barrow::

Whoops... :p