Count to a Million

Thanks! I'll have a look at that when I get home :D

Ayase - how did you get on with Higurashi? Did you enjoy the rest of it? I hope to get it finished this weekend :)
Cool :)
I always worry that a show isn't going to end properly, to be left open for a sequal or something - I think that's from watching too much American tv lol. It's really disappointing when you've put so much time into a series only to end it with no real resolution.
13941 i can think of a fair few series that have less then stellar resoultions and only one of them has a valid exucse *Cough*Guyver*Cough*

If you do more searching around you'll find a lot of stuff Panda. Sigh you're finished that series and i'm just starting it :lol:
13957 yep still working away on tutorials but now i'm writting (onto page 111 now -_- A4 pages that is) Though this place just isn't the same without Tach and Voddas :(

Anyway did you finally give up Marzinger Z thanks to those subs :p

While it is funny - a riot was reffered to as a "Bedin" in one episode (John & Yoko were nowhere to be seen) and a fire extinguisher as an "Air Freshner" :lol: - it isn't really giving me a true picture of what it's like. Sometimes entire sentances are completely missed out as well.

I think I'll go back to watching Maison Ikkoku instead...

well fear not because Tachi has sorted his life out and for now still has a job....well as far as tomorrow anyway. my workspace has been ordered to be 100% upto date and cleaned up...basically resetting it back to the default it was when nobody works on the desk.

well, i guess i'll find out tomorrow.
team leader keeps saying to me "don't worry" but i do.
and as for laura going shoppin with that coming to terms with the fact i can't do anything but wait and trust her. everything will happen tomorrow. even if i lose my job i'm going out partying so tbh i'll do it with a bang.

Text sam (best friend) and told him were going to the pub tonight to talk whilst drinking a pint....i'll sort this all out.....i have to

Hey Tach. We'll all be NEET's soon enough :lol:

Just make sure you keep at least one out of your job and your girl, you don't wanna end up without both...

Like me :cry:
13961 sounds like it's going to be a diffcult 24 hours for you then. About the thing tonight, just relax best you can, you don't want to jump the gun and give her a reason not to trust you (logic is she won't trust you if you don't trust her). Optimsim is your best option here. Your job i can't really say anything about that but hope the best happens. Sometimes the best results look like the worst options.

Anyway go out have fun don't drink and talk too much as that can lead to things appearing worse (this is a true story, being serious and being at a pub just doesn't work out that well)

Still keep your chin up and don't give up :)

At the very least your friends will be there

@Ayase well you could learn Spanish and then download the spanish fansubs :lol: