Count to a Million


I'm home ill, hahah. I've been ill all week and thought I was finally better yesterday; went to a concert last night, now i'm ill again :lol:

Howsit going for you?
Busy here, but really really bored. I have a lot of very dull work to do. But hey-ho it's nearly the weekend :D
Sorry to hear you've not been well tho, hope you feel better soon!
What concert did you go to?
13990 yeah i'm well though now i'm babysitting 6 dogs, and already they are driving me crazy. Well i got through another ep of Higurashi and i didn't realise that Mion had a twin...Though it seems pretty obvious from the op that she does...Though it explains why you were all talking about Shion and i was wondering if the subs i was watching had mistranslated Mions name

Morning Otaku-San :p
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13995 Its okay Maltos :p besides it doesn't matter, its still a greeting after all :lol:

@Panda don't worry i mean before i actually started watching it i thought the green haired girl was Shion anyway the revelation that there is in fact two is quite surprising. Now the fun lies in telling them apart and guessing which one is which (since Mion has already pretended to be Shion in order to give Keiichi food) :lol: Though is this happening along side the first storyline?
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Blackwolf - ummmm...I can't answer that question for's part of the mindbending nature of the series, trying to figure that one out... :D

I'm off to lunch now, I'll see you all later :)