Count to a Million

Chaos - Yes substance lol. We help people with drug and alcohol problems :)
(Perhaps I should say it as "help", as it's NHS, so what good we are actually doing is anyone's guess lol )
14012 well two are my parents, one is my sisters which we have taken in for a while, and the other three are my brothers. My parents have two cocker spaniels (4 years old, sisters) while my sisters dog is a 9 month old cokcer spaniel. My brother has two mongrel dogs (not sure on what breeds are mixed in) and they are 14 years old, and he has a 2 year old German Shephard. I ended up with 6 since my brother and his wife had to go to a funeral for an unknown length of time
14014 well one of the old two we think is going (or is partially) deaf so she keeps barking every so often, and when she barks they all bark. The youngest two (the 9 month old cocker and the german shephard) play together and things can get a bit out of hand. The other two cocker spaniels aren't too keen on the german shephard (a mixture of the fact that she towers over them and the fact she is very bouncy) so often hide and can get into arugments quite easyily. Of course i feel more sorry for our 14 yr old cat, she never ventures downstairs while my brother's dogs are here.

There is some times though when they can seem to be getting on really well, but all it takes is something to get them worked up

Do you have any pets?
Hi Mono :D

Blackwolf - No, no pets. My other half wants a dog, but we both work full time, so it's not fair to have a puppy that we haven't the time to look after properly :(
I want a gerbil or a hamster, but he says they're pointless and don't do anything so I'm not allowed :(
14017 Hi Mono how are you today? :)

@Panda- i used to love hamsters, loveable little critters, though my last one was a strange one, and earned its name of Sonic as being very quick to run off if it got out. I haven't had any more since it died. Still that reason you stated there for not having a dog is partly the reason why took my sisters dog in.
Hamsters are really cute, I don't see why he thinks they're so pointless...
Time to get off home now, shut the door and not come out until Monday! FF7 here I come!
Have a good weekend everyone :D