Count to a Million

Your life as a games designer sounds so interesting Blackwolf :D It makes me feel very bored of my little office job!

Right guys I'm off to lunch now, laters :)
13871 2nd ep is finished :) now i'll watch an ep of Fate/ Stay Night and get to work (while geting the rest of Higurashi i must watch more...

C'ya soon Panda :)

EDIT: I wouldn't be too enivous, at the moment i'm going unpaid a situlation that isn't helped by the fact that all those who are hiring need experince of a year+ something which i just don't have :( Plus its going to take a a while to get the company together and stable...Two sides of the coin i guess :)
Hi there Otaku-san :)

Blackwolf - Higurashi really draws you in doesn't it? I was up until nearly 4am Saturday night watching it, I really wanted to keep watching to find out what was going on!
13874 Hi otaku-san :p

Yeah Higurashi (i'm actually pretty happy with the fact that i can now spell that name right, was a bother earlier on when i was talking to someone else about it) is so far being a good watch, the part where Rena went mental about the whole hiding and secrets things :eek: also the way there eyes seem to change...*shudders*

So far so good though, and the fact i spotted a credit to TYPE-MOON in the credits has made me very curious as they have been ultimately behind my favourite series Lunar Legend Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night (they did the original games/ visual novels that the anime was based off)
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BlackWolf said:
where Rena went mental about the whole hiding and secrets things :eek: also the way there eyes seem to change...*shudders*

*shudder* indeed. Rena is the cosplay I'm planning for next year :D with the machete and everything! I agree that their eyes change, also I think their crazy, maniacal laughter is scary too!
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13876 cool you'll have to show pictures when you do it :) How are you going to make the weapon though? I have more of the eps to watch now :p

The laughter that the blonde haired girl does (sorry not too good on all their names yet) is quite funny reminds me of something else. It's still unsettling though and there's still 24 eps to go through :lol:
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I'll maybe make the weapon out of foam or something? I don't know, it'll be the first prop I've made like that!
I've just got a quote for the wig, $77 which wouldn't have been too bad a few months ago, but that £50 now, so I think that'll have to wait until after Christmas :(
13878 ah yeah the currency problem :( i've had to post pone getting the GaoGaiGar boxsets for now. Still i made a zanpaktou out of wood and carboard (not very authentic but it worked)
Oh, who's zanpaktou were you making? I still need to do one of those too, to complete my Yachiru costume, but it has to have little wheels on the bottom and so on :D
I'm not too sure about working with wood myself, that'd require more dangerous tools than foam lol, but that'd probably look better than foam :)
13880 Gin's :) My original plan was to do my first cosplay at my first expo but i couldn't make it down in time plus the prices on getting down to london was putting me off, so in the end the costume got used for a halloween party :lol: but i'm keeping it and if the opptunity arises i'll bust it out again (though this time i'll use a silver wig instead of spraying my hair...)

Afternoon all.

yeah i'm fine thanks panda
had training all day yesterday....managed to get to sleep at 3am...then woke up at 6.30 to make my way into work for go to the damn training which was mentally draining..its to the point where if i reallign my spine using my knuckles and pushin my back forward. it releases the tension built up from over the day....that along with fatigue is a deadly thing. did it lastnight and it almost knocked me out. release of tension and tiredness i was almost send into the land of nod in seconds.

numb minded today. office meeting this morning so not much got done. went for a hours, primark and subway. 2 pints in 30mins...not bad, then my mate saw a gold thong and went to grab it and the coat hanger broke. was in fits of laughter as he had to try get tis gold man thong back on the rack without everyone seeing.

bought wrapping paper so i can wrap laura's presents tonight when she goes to get her hair done for friday when were going out to 2 parties. i was worried about the size of her skirt...but realised i've seen it before and it covers whats important. so not too bad now :p off out with the lads tonight when i've done the wrapping.

then tomorrow its £10 free bar in chicago's.
and friday taking laura out to these two parties i've been invited to and then heading home. she's stayin over most weekends so i'm fine with that. haven't seen her since sunday so i miss her an awful lot but have to wait never the less.

don't really care about work right now and openly joked about quitting and signing up as a technician with another company soon. some laughed. some looked shocked. and others wheren't paying attention as usual.
sick of this job. bored, tired, had a crap week as there's fcuk all to do after work. 2 asians tried to chase after me and mug me but failed as they couldn't keep up and i saw him in town today and laughed in his face. an hour to go till i go home.
Gin's a really cool character. I'm only up to episode 80-something of the anime (the Bount filler arc) so I haven't seen him for a while, but I'm sure it won't be too long now...

As for getting to London, it is really costly, especially if you're coming from so far that you'd have to stay. Luckily my family is still in Oxford, so I've at least got somewhere to stay for free, so we've only got petrol money to worry about. And the drive from Grimsby to Oxford isn't too bad :D
It'd be nice if there was a convention or expo a bit further north tho'.

Edit - afternoon Tachi, sounds like you've had a heck of a day :(
Home soon tho' :)
13883 afternoon Tach sounds like you're having a rough time :/

@Panda yeah thing is as well i would be going alone probably, the only other person i could of gone with went up north to scotland about a year and a bit ago (though i'm now to be his best man so funny how things work out) I would love for a biggish con to come up here. As for Bleach i stopped with the anime at the Bount Arc :p but i'm completely up to date with the manga
The Bount arc is killing me, it's so dull. I'm thinking of skipping the rest of it and going straight to the good stuff :p
That's what I did with Naruto :D

Righty-o, I'm off home now, see you tomorrow! Have a good evening :D