Count to a Million

13,837 - crunched by credit.
I work in IT in a bank and credit crunch means they sacked all contractors. What happens when you have the same amount of work and half the staff? You get the picture =(

At least I still got my job and my bank is one of those ones doing "well" given the market situation.
13843 Well development has finished on that game for the time being, leaving it in a somewhat playable alpha state. I'm still playing around with XNA trying to get PC playable demos -_- but the framework is very pesky.

hey, we are in UK, I'm pretty sure we could get water from rain...

lol wouldn't like to think how healthy the water would be :p unless there's a do it yourself purifcation kit out there
BlackWolf said:
13843 Well development has finished on that game for the time being, leaving it in a somewhat playable alpha state. I'm still playing around with XNA trying to get PC playable demos -_- but the framework is very pesky.

hey, we are in UK, I'm pretty sure we could get water from rain...

lol wouldn't like to think how healthy the water would be :p unless there's a do it yourself purifcation kit out there

sod that go to wilkies get a brew kit for 20 quid or a pony....set for life
13848 At the moment yeah, though if i wanted i supose i could tweak it for 360 but for now i don't see a need. In the future though once the company has taken off and we have a business plan in place we hope to make games for every console.