Count to a Million


Enough was enough really. I was learning a new role but I was in way too deep and to be perfectly honest, it was just too difficult for me to grasp. It was making me worry every morning and I was feelin nervous etc, I realised that I should'nt be like this every morning so I quit lol

Now im happy as ever :D
Well good luck to you! You seem like you made the right choice. There's nothing worse than getting up in the morning and dreading going to work :(
Are you looking for something similar now or going for a big change?

Yeah, i know the current climate out there is horrendous and a very scary time to be unemployed but im sure i'll cope. Im going to do something completly different. I have worked in London in offices for 4 years now and fancy a lil break so may try somewhere local to save money on travel.

who knows. im excited about spending christmas not at work though lol :)
Yeah I really envy you having all of Christmas off! I've managed to get off until 29th, but then I'm at work till 31st :(
Who wants to work on New Years Eve?
And you're right about it being a scary time to be unemployed, but I'm sure you'll be fine! Go for a big change in the New Year, I bet it'll do you the world of good! :D

No, its not me, your mistaken.....:p

Hey Black, its been too long. I have been around but just extremly bisy with work and resigning haha eek!

How have you been, there's way too many pages to track back through lol

Haha I see, yeah ive got one of them too, but it takes so damn long to update and constantly maintain lol. development workshops you say? Please, enlighten me

So hows the rest of the gang?
13869 unfortunatly i didn't get any done last night as by the time i was finished with some other stuff i had to do i was too tired but i'm solving that problem now :wink: half way through the 2nd ep and the op is definitly growing on me

@Fox bascially we went there to learn more details about the developers relationship with the publisher, what costs developers have to take into account when striking a deal with said publisher. How the publisher decides what games to take on, and more on the buisness side of things like dealing with reviews of staff, HRs, pay rises that sort of thing.