Count to a Million


Not so bad Black. I am coming down with a cold. I hit my alarm clock this morning and then went back to sleep 'til midday. Did me good though I think. Enjoying a Cup-a-soup at the moment, and looking longingly at HD Projectors... a man can dream ;)

How are you? We both watched the same amount of Higurashi last night, 1 ep. each. :lol:

Hey Mono :) Whatcha been up to today?
13813 Hi Mono hows it going? :)

@Ayase :lol: cool one day you'll get one :wink: but yeah hopefully i'll be able to watch more eps tonight. So far i feel unsettled by how the characters look and that first scene before the opening (which is also a bit :eek: )

also i'm good, have been deep in tutorials all day and am now doing some writting while my dog sleeps on my lap

Hiya Black and Ayase :D

Black I'm okay apart from my arm hurting after having my second injection how about you?

And Ayase my day was okay I had college and then I had to have my second injection

Edit: woohoo 5000 post :D

Congratulations Mono! I'll get there one day... by which time you'll likely be at 12000 or something :p

And Black, unsettled because they look very Moe and you know it's going to get violent, or just unsettled because they look very Moe? :lol:
13816 i'm good thanks :) had another quiet day of just working away at things, glad to hear you had a okay day

and congrats on the 5000th post :D

EDIT: The first choice :p unsettling because they look moe and i know something bad is going to happen :lol: Music was good though

:lol: I'm sometimes unsettled just by horrifically Moe characters. Higurashi isn't too bad in that respect compared to something like Clannad

::looks around to make sure Voddas isn't here (again)::
13819 why did you look around for Voddas? is he a closet Moe fan? :lol: I'll keep watching though i'm intrested in seeing what the overall plot will develop to and the characters seem charming (despite the fact they seem ruthless when it comes to board and card games :p ) but i'm going to be on edge till something shocking happens now...