Beez Entertainment Discussion

Damn, I'm not into Durarara, but I was looking forward to finally watching Outlaw Star again. Oh well, April it is. I have put off buying the America AL release for a few years, so four month won't be too bad...
Stuart-says-yes said:
Ah, the leg up on the American release seems all but lost, the final two releases of the American release comes out at the end of march and may respectively.

Looks like any chance of stopping importers is lost, hell why should they by the sub only version, if they can by the sub & dub version from America on the same day. Upon saying that, I'll still be buying the UK release of course, but after pushing back DURARARA twice, its going to be pretty tough to deter importers this time.

Better luck next time I suppose.

Definitely - I spoke to them about it just because it alarmed me as well given it was my pet project before leaving. The circumstances are ones I'd not wish on anyone though and it's really not my place to discuss, at anyrate it was unavoidable.

I'll touch base and feed anything else back I hear too.

We should probably start a new thread for me at some point too - this seems a bit mis-representative xD.

anytime ur ready Andrew just let us know and i'll make it a sticky for you ;)

btw i could of just changed your old username rather than you having to make a new one :D
Well, it was obviously unavoidable, otherwise, they wouldn't have done it.

Shame about Outlaw Star, because my older brother's band is named after the series (Chasing Melfina) and their first EP was coincedently 24/01/11; the original release date of Outlaw Star. At least now I can get my 3DS and Pokémon Black Version before the DVDs I want are out now; without having to torment myself with not buying them. Obviously, I would have preferred it and Gundam 00 S2 Part 2 out quicker, but can't be helped.

As for Durarara. I will admit, as much as I love the series, I haven't brought volume 1; because I can just watch a legal stream on Crunchyroll. I'd rather just wait and see if we get a dub release to be honest.
Stuart-says-yes said:
Ryu Shoji said:
Well, it was obviously unavoidable, otherwise, they wouldn't have done it. As for Durarara. I will admit, as much as I love the series, I haven't brought volume 1; because I can just watch a legal stream on Crunchyroll. I'd rather just wait and see if we get a dub release to be honest.

I went in with low expectations for DURARARA, and now I must say it is in my top 10, also if you don't mind watching things subbed, then the japanese voices are very fitting, so yeah you should get a copy of it, at some point.

kaze_andrew said:
Definitely - I spoke to them about it just because it alarmed me as well given it was my pet project before leaving. The circumstances are ones I'd not wish on anyone though and it's really not my place to discuss, at anyrate it was unavoidable.

Shiroi Hane said:
I do apologise, I was rather rash about what I said yesterday, it is a shame its held back but there are more important things in life than anime, so if personal circumstances are the cause, then its completely understand-able.

No need to apologize there, you didn't say anything out of order there. While the circumstances were extremely bad of a personal nature - it doesn't change the fact that titles people were looking forward to are now delayed. The downside to a small-team environment to an extent - although it's not something that happens often thankfully.

Again they've sent their apologies on about this as they understand the disappointment involved.

PS Andrew's Question Time works fine :p. Or we could just rename this thread somewhat...
There's really no need for them to apologise; it was something unavoidable, and as you said, extremely bad, and thankfully, something that doesn't happen often. A few months extra wait is nothing - in the UK, we're used to oggling American titles for months anyway xD
I've got a question here, it's about sora no woto, any news on the release date yet or when abouts it will be released also if it's not to much to ask how are you guys gonna go around with the dvd casing on this, are you gonna do the same thing you did with durarara or have a normal case like the haruhi dvd's, just asking because I prefer the original dvd casing against the durarara ones for little reasons like it being on my shelf etc.

will there be a blu-ray release as well (knowing it might be too expensive to do so but still)?
If the Beez release of Sora no Woto is in anyway dependant (materials, subtitle streams) on the US release by Nozomi Ent a.k.a The Right Stuf, then it's worth listening to the ANNcast this week with Right Stuf's head honcho Shawn Kleckner.

He mentions that the US release is taking its time because of the issues around acquiring the two Japanese straight to DVD episodes. If that is true for Beez as well, then their release will be similarly delayed.
Just Passing Through said:
If the Beez release of Sora no Woto is in anyway dependant (materials, subtitle streams) on the US release by Nozomi Ent a.k.a The Right Stuf, then it's worth listening to the ANNcast this week with Right Stuf's head honcho Shawn Kleckner.

He mentions that the US release is taking its time because of the issues around acquiring the two Japanese straight to DVD episodes. If that is true for Beez as well, then their release will be similarly delayed.

listening to it right now! thanks for the speedy reply btw
I would guess "no chance" of a BD release. It only sold around 3-4k in Japan, and I'd guess you could drop the "k" from the end of its sales figures for here.
Well, per volume. So roughly that number of people bought it, "in theory".

And it wasn't because it was bad (it wasn't even "bad-ish", or even below "very good" imo), it's just because it's an anime original title. It actually sold "OK", if unspectacularly. Many, many shows shift below a thousand units per volume.
You're talking about Sora no Woto? I [obviously] haven't watched it but critical opinion is that its surprisingly quite good. I'm on that side of the argument. lol.
Stuart-says-yes said:
ilmaestro said:
Didn't you say roughly the same thing after you dismissed the first couple of episodes of K-ON!? :p

Yeah, I kind of stand by that, because the first season was terrible compared to the second season, which was pretty good.
Your opinion on stuff is far too random for me to keep up with. :p
ilmaestro said:
I would guess "no chance" of a BD release. It only sold around 3-4k in Japan, and I'd guess you could drop the "k" from the end of its sales figures for here.

Sadly this is correct - as there are no US plans for BD to my knowledge when I was off out of Beez then this is the case.

Checked today to verify and it's still the case. Sometimes it's just unfortunate but the way it has to be...

I still haven't seen Escaflowne and I'm not sure how to get it, the US Anime Legends box or the UK one, the UK one is cheaper and has characters totally doing it on the cover but the PAL-ness probably makes it look like crap. I reeeeeeeaaaally prefer NTSC but I'm not sure whether it's actually worth importing.

Though I hear awful things about Beez encoding still...