Beez Entertainment Discussion

Meh, streaming of catalog titles is about as interesting to me personally as... a not very interesting thing. Didn't realize they'd even licensed Samurai Girls!
Here's another question for you Andrew... well, KAZE Andrew that is;

I've taken a quick look on the French Kaze site and of course due to my limited French i was only able to get so far on the site, but what did grab my attention was the nice selection of anime soundtracks from Kaze's online store.

You say Kaze is going to do more for the UK in terms of merchandise? Well if that's the case i certainly hope you're including those soundtracks in with the "merchandise" you're talking about, because a way to get anime soundtracks besides torrents or ridicolously overpriced imports would be totally awesome. I'd buy those any day, and i know if you made them available to us then plenty of other loyal fans would as well :)
Rogue257 said:
Here's another question for you Andrew... well, KAZE Andrew that is;

I've taken a quick look on the French Kaze site and of course due to my limited French i was only able to get so far on the site, but what did grab my attention was the nice selection of anime soundtracks from Kaze's online store.

You say Kaze is going to do more for the UK in terms of merchandise? Well if that's the case i certainly hope you're including those soundtracks in with the "merchandise" you're talking about, because a way to get anime soundtracks besides torrents or ridicolously overpriced imports would be totally awesome. I'd buy those any day, and i know if you made them available to us then plenty of other loyal fans would as well :)

Soundtracks are something completely separate but yes that's also on my list of todo's. In fact you'll already find the following on iTunes UK (haven't we been busy ^^;; ):


The Borrower Arriety OST (with bonus tracks)

NANA Best collection

Piano de Ghibli

Bleach Season 1 OST

Death Note OST 1

Death Note OST 2


Scandal: Best Collection
Scandal: Temptation Box

Olivia Trapnest - Deluxe Edition
Olivia - Trapnest
Olivia - The Lost Lolli
Olivia - Trinka Trinka+

Kokia - Aigakikoeru
Kokia - The Voice
Kokia - Balance Kokia Infinity Akiko
Kokia - Fairy Dance
Kokia - Christmas Gift
Kokia - Road to Glory ~long journey~
Kokia - Real World

Flow - Microcosm

Kanon Wakeshima - Lolitawork Libretto
Kanon Wakeshima - Shinshoku Dolce

You'll see a lot more in CD format as time goes on too even if it's just for direct sale via certain websites. I may have missed some from the list too - am running from memory with my iTunes here just now!

Sorry for the slow reply too - I have several big projects on the go. Two of which you will hear about very soon I'm sure and hope you all like ;)...

Nice, Andrew :) I have quite a few of those CDs already but I'll keep an eye on your releases!

The NANA best is particularly good and worthy of attention from fans of the anime.

It ain't easy - iTunes in the UK lists all the artists from the Japanese iTunes but none of them actually have tracks so you can spent hours searching through them unless you are looking for a specific artist.
Rui said:
The NANA best is particularly good and worthy of attention from fans of the anime.
I'm definitely interested in this. I've heard a few songs from the soundtrack and me likey, plus I should have the DVDs in a couple of weeks.

Andrew: any chance you can get them on Amazon? I don't like iTunes.
Shiroi Hane said:
It ain't easy - iTunes in the UK lists all the artists from the Japanese iTunes but none of them actually have tracks so you can spent hours searching through them unless you are looking for a specific artist.
Heh, I knew there were reasons I wasn't a massive fan of it.
Until reading the above post and checking a few sites I had thought the dates for volumes 2 and 3 were late January and late February. I was, in fact, looking forward to volume 2 shipping sometime next week.

But it seems volume 2 is now due late March and volume 3 late May. FFS. I think I'm just going to watch the rest on Crunchyroll.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Rui said:
The NANA best is particularly good and worthy of attention from fans of the anime.
I'm definitely interested in this. I've heard a few songs from the soundtrack and me likey, plus I should have the DVDs in a couple of weeks.

Andrew: any chance you can get them on Amazon? I don't like iTunes.

Looking into Amazon now - should be possible shortly it's just down to using the right aggregator to do so. I'll update with further information as soon as it does, I'll also be launching a site to act as a hub for this information in the near-ish future too so watch this space.

UK Business Development - Kaze
Bit of a piss take really. Beez really know how to mug their customers off. It's as Stu says, you may as well import the sub/dub now instead of waiting for the UK release. Starting to understand why people tend to import these days.
There is still a considerable price difference between the two releases: importing the R1 will cost about twice as much. That, along with the possibility of a dub disc upgrade, is why I settled on Beez's release rather than importing. Getting it quicker was just a very nice bonus.

So I don't necessarily think they're going to lose many sales to imports. But given how we're no longer getting the show much quicker, Beez may as well have waited for the dub to become available and just released the one version (assuming they still plan a dub release at some point).
I am so glad now that I didn't start the UK Durarara!! and just streamed it instead. If they are going to delay V2 and V3 to March and May respectively, then they really ought to sod the sub only and go straight to hybrid as the Aniplex releases will be out by then too. Just have a hybrid re-release of V1 on the same day as V2 so that people can have continuity in their collections, and they'll only have to run the upgrade programme for one volume instead of three.

I see that Outlaw Star and Gundam 00 Part 2 have been delayed as well. Sucks to be a Beez customer.

Edit, notice in their twitter feed that they say that their Durarara will be out "way in advance of the end of the US release"

I don't call a 24 hour headstart way in advance.

UK V3 30th May, US V3 31st May :roll: