Beez Entertainment Discussion

beez_andrew said:
Until Bandai Entertainment make a decision on BD for Gundam 00 my hands are tied. Cost of production would mean 3000 or so units would be crucial if doing it ourselves for any kind of profit and I know for a fact based on buying habits for Gundam we would not sell 3000 units of Gundam 00 on BD at the necessary price sadly.

Co-producing can save a lot of money on this front and make such a venture more realistic. This isn't me saying I don't want to do it either as we definitely would!
I was wondering what happened to that approach. The first BDs Beez released (the Gunbuster movies, Freedom) were simultaneous worldwide releases, right? I was really psyched at the time that this was The Way of The Future and that from now on we'd be seeing more HD releases at the same time as Japan and the US, all more or less identical and sans region code.

As far as I'm aware those still stand as the only BD anime releases which have been simultaneous. What happened, Andrew? Did the rest of those cheap bastards out there not buy 'em?
beez_andrew said:
I have one or two other surprises up my sleeve as well and as ever they're not what people would suspect :).

Rose of Versailles and Shiki?

*crosses fingers*

R (who was one of the blu-ray fans who did *not* buy Freedom)
Hmm anime legends 00, might have to sell my individuals and get that. I love me bricks, plus those boxes are HUGE for 2 disc sets, much as I love the art.

Andrew if you're listening, plus make it so the vol. 2 cover art is used for the box set =3
Ha, I knew if I was just patient enough 00 would come out in a boxset, the reveal of the Anime Legends line sealed the deal. Still, I wasn't expecting it next year, I thought it would be 2012 and you'd release Season 1 and then 2 the next month. I guess I'll have to wait a while for the second half of the series then...
fabricatedlunatic said:
I would have bought/will buy the original Gunbuster OVA on Blu-ray. Not interested in movie edits.

I'm waiting for the Gunbuster OVA blu-ray as well.

After buying the movie edits on dvd I don't plan on shelling out again for them on Blu-ray as they are no patch on the OVAs.
beez_andrew said:
I have one or two other surprises up my sleeve as well and as ever they're not what people would suspect :).

As Bandai in the US have just announced the original Gundam TV series for AL, are you able to hint whether this may relate to the upcoming surprises yet? :)

Same question for Haruhi-chan too, since that seems unobtainable from the US at the moment due to the Bandai Store.

R, who is also hoping that andrew can hook her up with the next volume of Unicorn in due course...
Rui said:
beez_andrew said:
I have one or two other surprises up my sleeve as well and as ever they're not what people would suspect :).

As Bandai in the US have just announced the original Gundam TV series for AL, are you able to hint whether this may relate to the upcoming surprises yet? :)

Same question for Haruhi-chan too, since that seems unobtainable from the US at the moment due to the Bandai Store.

R, who is also hoping that andrew can hook her up with the next volume of Unicorn in due course...

I would like to reaffirm my demand for Haruhi chan =P
Rui said:
beez_andrew said:
I have one or two other surprises up my sleeve as well and as ever they're not what people would suspect :).

As Bandai in the US have just announced the original Gundam TV series for AL, are you able to hint whether this may relate to the upcoming surprises yet? :)

Same question for Haruhi-chan too, since that seems unobtainable from the US at the moment due to the Bandai Store.

R, who is also hoping that andrew can hook her up with the next volume of Unicorn in due course...

*Jaw hits the floor* They have?? Man, I requested that a few weeks ago in this very thread. I guess I'll do what I'm doing for Turn-A and wait a year after the US release and if there isn't any word on a UK release I buy it from the US.

Great news either way.
Rui said:
As Bandai in the US have just announced the original Gundam TV series for AL, are you able to hint whether this may relate to the upcoming surprises yet?
Can't find any information on this release myself, but I'd be interested in MSG provided it has the Japanese language track. The single volume release in the US was dub only.
I wouln't get too excitd, they said they were going to release Tales of The Abyss and Turn A and nether have shown up.

Also, Escaflowne AL Set showed up annnnnnd it's the Naked Lovers box cover. Thanks Beez, really.
ayase said:
Can't find any information on this release myself, but I'd be interested in MSG provided it has the Japanese language track. The single volume release in the US was dub only.

If it was dub only I wouldn't even bother posting it; sorry for not mentioning more! This is the real deal, at last.

Turn A was only announced recently, I imagine it will appear in March/April time at the earliest. They probably don't want to flood too much Gundam all at once too and 00 is still coming out. Though if andrew has any news for us I'd love to hear!

R (I'll let you decide for yourself which I am, Stuart :))
Let's not forget that they have to create a dub track for Turn A first, which would be why its taking a while to appear. Going by the ANN information, the MSG sets will use the same old dub but are new discs with Japanese language tracks, so could conceivably turn up before Turn A.
I don't believe that Turn A will be dubbed given the current market where people no longer seem willing to actually support dubs, and the show's niche, older image amongst fandom. Bayaob's NYAF liveblog records this being asked in Bandai's Q&A yesterday:

"turn a gundam, dub? no plans"

So which comes out first is probably still to be seen.
