Beez Entertainment Discussion

I have a small question to ask. I notice that Eureka Seven, Code Geass and Haruhi Suzumiya are streaming on Crunchyroll within R1, but are blocked to viewers over here.

Is this limitation entirely due to Crunchyroll's restricted licenses, or are Beez somehow involved in Crunchyroll's R2 streaming services in the case of titles for which Beez hold a DVD license?
I'd assume they were a sub licence off Bandai Ent, rather than off Bandai Visual (like all the old gundam was).
Do they have other non-US/Canada places unlocked?
beez_andrew said:
Original Gundam I'll take a look into too :).

Please do. I'll pledge eternal loyalty if we could have the original series, and a lifetime supply of tea and biscuits to boot.

And GOOD biscuits too. Not that lame-o 'Happy Shopper' stuff yer granny has in her cake tin. :wink:
Zin5ki said:
I have a small question to ask. I notice that Eureka Seven, Code Geass and Haruhi Suzumiya are streaming on Crunchyroll within R1, but are blocked to viewers over here.

Is this limitation entirely due to Crunchyroll's restricted licenses, or are Beez somehow involved in Crunchyroll's R2 streaming services in the case of titles for which Beez hold a DVD license?

It's due to restricted licenses, we have not been approached for sub license rights for those titles. Something is in the pipeline though :).

Moving this over from the sales thread, is there any reason why I would want to buy the first DRRR!! set from Beez at the Expo, rather than ordering it for £15 from HMV?
1st of im pretty sure i seen you on a train in Glasgow if not you have a twin xD

Question regarding One Piece. Obviously theres people out there who are after the series but all we get told is the price is to high and they dont want to risk it. Is there no possibility in bringing over the films? To test the market as you will.
The japanese have recently had blu rays released and im sure most people would be happy to get them as sub only, and seeing as Funimations are region locked, as someone who would love to get the Blu rays seems like a good option :D

I'm under the impression you buy the films individually from each other and from the series, so if i'm wrong sorry xD

And obviously you know how much toei ask for the series or movies. if you knew/found out would you be able to say or is it not alowed? Just some things i was curious about.
Hi everyone. I was just wondering if Andrew or anyone else could please confirm whether or not Beez will be releasing both S1 & S2 of Gundam 00, and the upcoming movie, on blu-ray any time in the near future? It's already available in Japan on this format.

I don't think i'm the only one holding out for a BD release as it's probably my most anticipated title for a HD release so any word on this would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Andrew

Firstly, thanks for the recommendation of Gurren Lagann, (yeah I’ve only just managed to watch it, and I’ve really enjoyed watching it) Do you know how many copies of Vol 2 and Vol 3 you'll be taking to the Expo? also, roughly what price will they be? I'll deffo make sure to come visit the Beez table first, but as you probably know; even with early entry, getting things can be a fight lol.
I haven't posted here in a long time, not been buying much anime due to the rather off putting costs of Gurren Lagan and 00 which were the only new shows I wanted. But your anime legends sets have rekindled the fire and I've started buying again. :D

The rest is a repeat of a post I left on the Beez blog in the most recent entry, it's being spammed to death however so I thought I'd repost it here where it can be seen without having to concentrate to see through the reems of nonsense.

First post here so to start off, thank you for releasing all of the Gundam titles that you have since you put out the 0079 movies and CCA etc all one after the other. That was a fantastic time to be a UK Gundam fan.

Secondly, thanks for the anime legends line, these budget box sets have seen a sudden swell in my library whereas previously I hadn't purchased any anime in ages.

Thirdly, to answer your question, for anime legends, I would like to see any and all further Gundam titles that you can lay your hands on including the neglected shows like X and V. I heard you were thinking about trying to get Turn A, that would be amazing. Also, I'd love the full series version of 0083, the movie cuts out way too much. Other non Gundam shows, Outlaw Star, Dancouga (original), Blue Comet Layzner to name but a few. Big O was on my list too but i see that one is already being taken care of. :D
Fort Max said:
I haven't posted here in a long time, not been buying much anime due to the rather off putting costs of Gurren Lagan and 00 which were the only new shows I wanted. But your anime legends sets have rekindled the fire and I've started buying again. :D

The rest is a repeat of a post I left on the Beez blog in the most recent entry, it's being spammed to death however so I thought I'd repost it here where it can be seen without having to concentrate to see through the reems of nonsense.

First post here so to start off, thank you for releasing all of the Gundam titles that you have since you put out the 0079 movies and CCA etc all one after the other. That was a fantastic time to be a UK Gundam fan.

Secondly, thanks for the anime legends line, these budget box sets have seen a sudden swell in my library whereas previously I hadn't purchased any anime in ages.

Thirdly, to answer your question, for anime legends, I would like to see any and all further Gundam titles that you can lay your hands on including the neglected shows like X and V. I heard you were thinking about trying to get Turn A, that would be amazing. Also, I'd love the full series version of 0083, the movie cuts out way too much. Other none Gundam shows, Outlaw Star, Dancouga (original), Blue Comet Layzner to name but a few. Big O was on my list too but i see that one is already being taken care of. :D

Beez has already licensed Outlaw Star too
Fort Max said:
Awesome, I hope 00 will follow. :D

It will :). Season 1 of 00 will be on Anime Legends next year along with Gurren Lagann. Will announce more details nearer the time as we're still compiling the list for Anime Legends 2011 and I'll likely look for some user participation.

Very sorry for my lack of responsiveness of late. Scotland Loves Anime has been taking up every spare moment of my time outside of working hours as you can imagine!

Normal service will resume sooner or later!
BlitZX said:
Hi everyone. I was just wondering if Andrew or anyone else could please confirm whether or not Beez will be releasing both S1 & S2 of Gundam 00, and the upcoming movie, on blu-ray any time in the near future? It's already available in Japan on this format.

I don't think i'm the only one holding out for a BD release as it's probably my most anticipated title for a HD release so any word on this would be greatly appreciated.

Until Bandai Entertainment make a decision on BD for Gundam 00 my hands are tied. Cost of production would mean 3000 or so units would be crucial if doing it ourselves for any kind of profit and I know for a fact based on buying habits for Gundam we would not sell 3000 units of Gundam 00 on BD at the necessary price sadly.

Co-producing can save a lot of money on this front and make such a venture more realistic. This isn't me saying I don't want to do it either as we definitely would!
Ah, since you're back I may as well re-ask:

Is there any reason why I would want to buy the first DRRR!! set from Beez at the Expo, rather than ordering it for £15 from HMV?
Southe said:
1st of im pretty sure i seen you on a train in Glasgow if not you have a twin xD

Well I do have a twin, but my twin is a she and is considerably shorter than I am so I suspect it's unlikely! I take the train between Glasgow and Edinburgh fairly often for an assortment of reasons :).

Southe said:
Question regarding One Piece. Obviously theres people out there who are after the series but all we get told is the price is to high and they dont want to risk it. Is there no possibility in bringing over the films? To test the market as you will.
The japanese have recently had blu rays released and im sure most people would be happy to get them as sub only, and seeing as Funimations are region locked, as someone who would love to get the Blu rays seems like a good option :D

I'm under the impression you buy the films individually from each other and from the series, so if i'm wrong sorry xD

And obviously you know how much toei ask for the series or movies. if you knew/found out would you be able to say or is it not alowed? Just some things i was curious about.

It's conceivable and it's something I am certainly keen to look into over the next year or so.

I have one or two other surprises up my sleeve as well and as ever they're not what people would suspect :).