Beez Entertainment Discussion

Thanks for the reply! :D

beez_andrew said:
though I think at present if we're talking Gundam I have my eyes on a different one...

I'm curious to know which one!

I understand about not wanting to confuse people while you're still in the process of releasing Destiny, i was confused myself when i first learnt there was other series besides Wing
How did I not notice this thread before now? :eek:

I just have one question for Andrew. ( Hello, by the way. :D )

One thing that really irks me ( except for an episode on disk 6 of Eureka 7 having it's sound out of sync, :cry: ) is the subtitles, it's either all or nothing. Is there any chance that, for those that watch the dub, on future releases you might include a 'sign sub' only option as well?
Tasker said:
How did I not notice this thread before now? :eek:

I just have one question for Andrew. ( Hello, by the way. :D )

One thing that really irks me ( except for an episode on disk 6 of Eureka 7 having it's sound out of sync, :cry: ) is the subtitles, it's either all or nothing. Is there any chance that, for those that watch the dub, on future releases you might include a 'sign sub' only option as well?

i've noticed alot of companies doing this lately, even ADV and Funi

it gets annoying having to re-wind a part, turn on subs and re-watch it XD
Tasker said:
How did I not notice this thread before now? :eek:

I just have one question for Andrew. ( Hello, by the way. :D )

One thing that really irks me ( except for an episode on disk 6 of Eureka 7 having it's sound out of sync, :cry: ) is the subtitles, it's either all or nothing. Is there any chance that, for those that watch the dub, on future releases you might include a 'sign sub' only option as well?

Heh - easy to miss the thread - I blend into the scenery nicely at times :p.

To answer your question - it comes down to several production reasons unfortunately as to why we don't do sign subs only just now. For one unlike many, we often have to do releases in up to 3-4 languages per DVD, which can result in 4 separate sub tracks alone. By my understanding doubling this complicates matters when designing the DVD amongst other reasons.

That being said - our counterparts in the US do use them - so what I'll do is look into it and try and post a reply here when I know ^^.

- Andrew
Lelouch said:
Will Mai-Hime ever be released as a boxset as well as Gundam seed?

Personally, I would like to see that happen - but it all depends on what the powers that be feel is a good collection!

In the meantime, if at Expo I strongly advise you come along as you'll get a good deal there from us on complete series :).

- Andrew
beez_andrew said:
Lelouch said:
Will Mai-Hime ever be released as a boxset as well as Gundam seed?
Personally, I would like to see that happen - but it all depends on what the powers that be feel is a good collection!
In the meantime, if at Expo I strongly advise you come along as you'll get a good deal there from us on complete series :).
- Andrew
You just want to drain my coffers even further, you normally get £30-£60 out of me.
Also when is the Beez Forum going to be back up.
hopeful_monster said:
beez_andrew said:
Lelouch said:
Will Mai-Hime ever be released as a boxset as well as Gundam seed?
Personally, I would like to see that happen - but it all depends on what the powers that be feel is a good collection!
In the meantime, if at Expo I strongly advise you come along as you'll get a good deal there from us on complete series :).
- Andrew
You just want to drain my coffers even further, you normally get £30-£60 out of me.
Also when is the Beez Forum going to be back up.

Heh, well there's a good selection this time as well as the latest volumes of Eureka Seven (Volume 7), Gundam Seed Destiny (Volume 7), .hack//Roots (Volume 3), My Hime (Volume 6) and the Solid State Society soundtrack will be on stand as well! As well as all our back catalogue :).

Beez forums will be back up shortly - there's just some server monkeying going on in the background! Should be up again by end of next week or so latest.
beez_andrew said:
hopeful_monster said:
beez_andrew said:
Lelouch said:
Will Mai-Hime ever be released as a boxset as well as Gundam seed?
Personally, I would like to see that happen - but it all depends on what the powers that be feel is a good collection!
In the meantime, if at Expo I strongly advise you come along as you'll get a good deal there from us on complete series :).
- Andrew
You just want to drain my coffers even further, you normally get £30-£60 out of me.
Also when is the Beez Forum going to be back up.

Heh, well there's a good selection this time as well as the latest volumes of Eureka Seven (Volume 7), Gundam Seed Destiny (Volume 7), .hack//Roots (Volume 3), My Hime (Volume 6) and the Solid State Society soundtrack will be on stand as well! As well as all our back catalogue :).

Beez forums will be back up shortly - there's just some server monkeying going on in the background! Should be up again by end of next week or so latest.

I should be picking up Planetes Box 1 & 2 along with Bebop box 1 & 2, You better not sell out before I get there. 8)
beez_andrew said:
CitizenGeek said:
Hey Andrew,

Are there any plans to re-print the Gundam Wing boxsets? I can't find the first one anywhere.

Sorry for the slow reply! There should be - will look into it and hopefully have that fixed up before London Expo!

I won't be able to attend the London Expo - so are there are plans to re-stock this boxset online, either at retailers like Amazon or or on Beez's own online store?
Hi Andrew, Its nice to able to speak with one of the representatives of uk anime dvd scene. Just wondering why don't beez or any other of the uk anime companies think about releasing anime series box set directly ONLY off their own website and cut out the middleman retailer in the process.

With no retailer needing to make a profit, the 100% of the profit would be going to beez. With the UK Anime scene being small yet dedicated I think you could raise enough sales through website only to make it viable and also giving the buyer better value for money.

You could adveritse the product by including one of those unskippable trailer you see occasionally on anime dvds on all your future dvds and of course have it advertise ithrough Neo mag, and through the power of word of mouth.

I can't see how you could not manage to get sales required just through online means as we are only talking a 2-3000 to make it workable. But if it doesn't work out you could always sell the remain the box set through retailer at a latter date. I think it worth a go on one of your later dvd box set to see if it would work.
Sy said:
Dave said:
You could adveritse the product by including one of those unskippable trailer you see occasionally on anime dvds on all your future dvds
I absolutely HATE that idea.

A 30 second trailer to show off a box set, would be worth it to get an lower price and required advertising to make it possible selling directly off beez. For something like that to work you need to pull out every trick in the book to get the required people to know about it and to buy it.
oo, I got an answer. :eek: :D

beez_andrew said:
To answer your question - it comes down to several production reasons unfortunately as to why we don't do sign subs only just now. For one unlike many, we often have to do releases in up to 3-4 languages per DVD, which can result in 4 separate sub tracks alone. By my understanding doubling this complicates matters when designing the DVD amongst other reasons.

Ahh, I see. A little saddening, but I can understand the why of it now. :(

beez_andrew said:
That being said - our counterparts in the US do use them - so what I'll do is look into it and try and post a reply here when I know ^^.

- Andrew

Thanks very muchley. :D ( Crossed fingers that this is easily sorted and we can have sign subs in future. :D )

Dave said:
You could adveritse the product by including one of those unskippable trailer you see occasionally on anime dvds on all your future dvds

I can't even begin to say how much I dislike that idea. If I can skip it, then fair enough, but if I can't and a DVD takes too long to start, it rubs me up the wrong way, and I tend not to bother with it.
CitizenGeek said:
I won't be able to attend the London Expo - so are there are plans to re-stock this boxset online, either at retailers like Amazon or or on Beez's own online store?
Yeah, same here...I really want the rest of Wing (bought vol 1 five years ago...), but nowhere has it anymore, other than Sendit's vague description that suggests I'll have to wait indefinitely, or Play...which again always seems to be out of stock, and has a price tag above what I'm willing to spend.

I'd love a Wing boxset.
Aaron said:
I'd love a Wing boxset.

Me too! But, if there hasn't been one by now, I wouldn't think there'll be one coming out anything soon.

It really is a pity that Bandai (and Beez, I guess) completely mis-managed the Gundam series in the West :[
CitizenGeek said:
Aaron said:
I'd love a Wing boxset.

Me too! But, if there hasn't been one by now, I wouldn't think there'll be one coming out anything soon.

It really is a pity that Bandai (and Beez, I guess) completely mis-managed the Gundam series in the West :[

I don't know, Beez managed to bring us the 0083 movie and that never got released in the states, true the movie was dire but could be a good sign for the future (Maybe they'll bring us a subbed version of After War Gundam X or Turn-A Gundam).
beez_andrew said:
Tasker said:
How did I not notice this thread before now? :eek:

I just have one question for Andrew. ( Hello, by the way. :D )

One thing that really irks me ( except for an episode on disk 6 of Eureka 7 having it's sound out of sync, :cry: ) is the subtitles, it's either all or nothing. Is there any chance that, for those that watch the dub, on future releases you might include a 'sign sub' only option as well?

Heh - easy to miss the thread - I blend into the scenery nicely at times :p.

To answer your question - it comes down to several production reasons unfortunately as to why we don't do sign subs only just now. For one unlike many, we often have to do releases in up to 3-4 languages per DVD, which can result in 4 separate sub tracks alone. By my understanding doubling this complicates matters when designing the DVD amongst other reasons.

That being said - our counterparts in the US do use them - so what I'll do is look into it and try and post a reply here when I know ^^.

- Andrew

Thanks for the info but i doubt i'll be allowed to go i live a seriously long way away from London, if there ever is a boxset available let me know.
M-H DVD6 delayed again?

I'm hearing nasty rumours that M-H DVD6 has been delayed again, from its supposed launch on the 22nd October. Any idea if this is true?