Beez Entertainment Discussion

beez_andrew said:
Personally the show I would love to license right now even if it's just for DVD is Xam'D - as it's an amazing show with a star-studded team behind it. One can dream...
Rah, that would be awesome.
Aion said:
There will be lots of crying if Beez use the Bandai versions. Scrapped Princess has the worst case of shimmering I've seen. A couple of episodes escaped but nearly all of the episodes suffer.

I knew it wasn't Scrapped Princess when I wrote it. It's an ongoing joke. :p

I do have an idea what it could be though.. several series spring to mind as being slightly older (not Lucky Star then) and frequently requested.
beez_andrew said:
Sword of the Stranger - price point just now is planned to be a maximum RRP of £19.99 for the 2 DVD edition which will include enough extras to merit the price. So nothing to run in fear of here :). I'll be looking at some good aggressive pre-order rates from online retailers too so it should be available for far less than RRP you'll be glad to hear.
But what about the Blu-ray??? Tell me there is a BD release or I will actually cry! :cry:
shokoti said:
beez_andrew said:
Sword of the Stranger - price point just now is planned to be a maximum RRP of £19.99 for the 2 DVD edition which will include enough extras to merit the price. So nothing to run in fear of here :). I'll be looking at some good aggressive pre-order rates from online retailers too so it should be available for far less than RRP you'll be glad to hear.
But what about the Blu-ray??? Tell me there is a BD release or I will actually cry! :cry:

We're aiming to release the Blu-Ray later in the year hopefully in time for Christmas, hopefully with a few more extras onboard that too though so it may be worth waiting for it :). We have to wait on German materials etc first though for that hence the DVD coming first.

- Andrew
beez_andrew said:
iisan said:
Hey, this question has absolutely nothing to do with anything everyones talking about but I was just wondering. Cowboy Bebop Collection Box 2 is out of print, right? I can't find it anywhere. If this isn't the kind of question that should be directed at you, ignore me! Danke.

It is out of print now, but I'll have some news regarding the show shortly as well as some other stuff too I hope *touch wood* :).

- Andrew

This news wouldn't happen to be about the Cowboy Bebop Remix: Complete Collection that I have just noticed up on play now would it?
Andrew, any chance you can tell us what to expect for this year in terms of Blu-Ray releases?

You guys should update your website one of these days... :roll:
Just a quick query for you Andrew. I got the SE of Gundam 00 through the mail today, nice box set i will say, but the only thing that got me was that the leaflet thing that came with it with the synopsis and such on it was all in french. I've not checked the disks but i imagine it was just that, was just wondering if this was a mistake on amazons part.
Funktion said:
Andrew, any chance you can tell us what to expect for this year in terms of Blu-Ray releases?

You guys should update your website one of these days... :roll:

Blu-Ray just now is just Sword of the Stranger at end of year - there's been endless reasons why the website hasn't been updated. Sufficed to say that will be fixed soon but we're a little stretched for manpower right now so it's at the bottom of the list for a little bit - no excuse though so expect updates soon :).

- Andrew
Arbalest said:
Just a quick query for you Andrew. I got the SE of Gundam 00 through the mail today, nice box set i will say, but the only thing that got me was that the leaflet thing that came with it with the synopsis and such on it was all in french. I've not checked the disks but i imagine it was just that, was just wondering if this was a mistake on amazons part.

The DVDs will be the same - as should all the extras - it sounds like a classic case of the warehouse packaging a few too many sets with the French leaflet. Thankfully it looks like any excess with French labels went to online retailers versus brick and mortar stores though :)!

So a mistake on the manufacturer/warehouse's part there - thankfully it doesn't ruin your watching!

Glad you like the set as well :).

- Andrew
Hey guys, sorry was just wondering what special features/extras are on the volume 1 set of Gundam 00? Any textless openings etc? I have been able to find what was on the Gurren Lagan discs in terms of extras but not the 00 sets. Thanks
ExiaZero said:
Hey guys, sorry was just wondering what special features/extras are on the volume 1 set of Gundam 00? Any textless openings etc? I have been able to find what was on the Gurren Lagan discs in terms of extras but not the 00 sets. Thanks

I'm assuming this post (on a Gundam site) is pretty accurate:

It's the French edition but I think they're the same discs :)

Andrew, regarding the Haruhi season 2 which considering Beez did the original series.

Are there any discussions going on yet about how the group is going to deal with the endless 8 issue? personally i can see it being a disaster if anyone try's to release a dvd with the endless 8 episodes, as i'm sure i speak for every haruhi fan here, it will just be ignored as a release.

also slightly different topic

any idea why on the gundam wing Special edition release the menu sound is so much louder than the sound on the rest of the disk.

It's very problematic when you're watching anime at a reasonable sound at night, and the menu comes on while you scramble to find your mute button :D
Zeouterlimits said:
Ryo Chan said:
Andrew, regarding the Haruhi season 2 which considering Beez did the original series.

Surely they have to wait and see what Bandai in the US do, right?

they're sister groups so i'm sure they'll be discussing it with eachother, the same goes for bandai, it will hurt the US release too after all, and if Bandai goes, so does beez
I think the only way a Haruhi 2 release would work in the West is a full series box straight off the bat. Do we even know how many episodes it's going to be yet? 'Cause if it's only in the low teens I can't see it selling at all, even in Japan.
Well, they said that the Endless Eight is just going to be released as regular DVDs in Japan, right? Two eps a disc? So, they're either absolute geniuses, or... er... really not.

But, on the other hand, I also read that the LE of the first disc will include an "original episode", so maybe they will have one "original" ep and one Endless Eight ep on some discs?

It's certainly an odd thing, well above and beyond, say, the Wolf's Rain recap eps. Makes me glad I don't really follow blogs/MAL and the like judging by what I hear about some people's reactions. ^^;