Beez Entertainment Discussion

Lelouch said:
beez_andrew said:
Crest of the Stars soft box £24.99
s-Cry-ed Box £49.99
Stratos Box £24.99
Fantastic Children box £49.99

Will any of theese be the full series?

Also i can't seem to find anything out about this 'Stratos' is there anyway you could give me some info?

Stratos = Stratos 4 - sorry I missed that blessed number out!

All of the boxsets mentioned are complete series in 1 box :).
beez_andrew said:
Lelouch said:
beez_andrew said:
Crest of the Stars soft box £24.99
s-Cry-ed Box £49.99
Stratos Box £24.99
Fantastic Children box £49.99

Will any of theese be the full series?

Also i can't seem to find anything out about this 'Stratos' is there anyway you could give me some info?

Stratos = Stratos 4 - sorry I missed that blessed number out!

All of the boxsets mentioned are complete series in 1 box :).

Ah, Awesome thanks for the help.

Seems i'll buying:
Prorably Crest of the stars & Stratos 4 boxes
And in definatlely i'll be picking up S-Cry-Ed
beez_andrew said:
s-Cry-ed Box £49.99
Gunbuster 2 Digipack £24.99
Awesome, A Digipack for Gunbuster. Sounds nice.

Just thought I'd ask - With the s-Cry-ed box [and others] are all the DVDs full sized, Like your other half boxes, Just a extra large version or something. Even though it is space consuming I wouldn't mind it all to much. Also, By Box... Do you mean a cardboard box cover like the half releases, Or a Artbox? I think the former.. Just checking though. =D

I haven't seen the series yet.. I'm considering getting purchasing it though. Thanks.
Jayme said:
beez_andrew said:
s-Cry-ed Box £49.99
Gunbuster 2 Digipack £24.99
Awesome, A Digipack for Gunbuster. Sounds nice.

Just thought I'd ask - With the s-Cry-ed box [and others] are all the DVDs full sized, Like your other half boxes, Just a extra large version or something. Even though it is space consuming I wouldn't mind it all to much. Also, By Box... Do you mean a cardboard box cover like the half releases, Or a Artbox? I think the former.. Just checking though. =D

I haven't seen the series yet.. I'm considering getting purchasing it though. Thanks.

Those sets will be full DVD size like half boxes.

The only one using a soft box is Crest of the Stars, each of the rest are artboxes :).
beez_andrew said:
Crest of the Stars soft box £24.99
s-Cry-ed Box £49.99
Stratos Box £24.99
Gunbuster 2 Digipack £24.99
Fantastic Children box £49.99
Got any release dates for these at all like you do for Diebuster?

Oh, that's anothet thing I want to ask, what exactly will you be calling the series, Aim for the Top 2! Diebuster/Gunbuster or will it exclude the "Aim for the Top!" etc.?
Ah! The Crest of the Stars box finally emerges! I saw that advertised on the back of a leaflet I got at the London Expo a couple of years ago.

Beez certainly always provide. As usual, I'm absolutely ecstatic that the UK is getting some high quality releases and I'll be definately double dipping on a lot of Beez boxsets. It's a great relief that I'll be able to get hold of high quality releases of a lot of these series where the R1 artbox releases are long out of print (and seemingly unable to be got hold of anywhere - unlike other R1 special products).

Many thanks Andrew! =)!
What's a "digipack" exactly and how is it different to other packaging?

s-CRY-ed seems to get a lot of attention, though I know absolutely nothing about it! I'll still be checking out the release, though!

Gunbuster 2 is a definite buy - but where are the Gundam boxsets prices? :p
CitizenGeek said:
What's a "digipack" exactly and how is it different to other packaging?
A Digipack is a type of case that unfolds to reveal a number of disks, Usually done with a lot of series' (Simpsons and South Park are two examples). They probably are fairly cheap to make and always look superb. The only downside is the corners can sometimes get creased because its made of plastic-y paper. ;p

They look like this: Whatever this is.
beez_andrew said:
Does that help at all?
Yes it does, thanks a lot. Nothing there that really tickles my fancy though.

I've got to ask. Would just using soft boxes cut down on the production costs of the boxsets significantly? Because I think most people would rather have something cheaper than in a slightly harder box.
Ah! Pan's Labyrinth had a special edition set O_O. I want to see this film so badly, but play only listed some 2-disc edition.

I bet that was a French special release =(
melonpan said:
Ah! Pan's Labyrinth had a special edition set O_O. I want to see this film so badly, but play only listed some 2-disc edition.

I've seen this in school, Really is a good film, though it's in a foreign language.
melonpan said:
Ah! Pan's Labyrinth had a special edition set O_O. I want to see this film so badly, but play only listed some 2-disc edition.

I bet that was a French special release =(

I haven't caught Pan's Labyrinth yet but my work mate has got nothing but good things to say about it. I usually watch Sky Indie at home, I'm hoping it will run sometime soon.

Off topic here but I'd like to see Sky do away with Indie and Family and rebrand them Sky World and Sky Animation, in my own opinion this makes far more sense. Think about it, Sky Animation show's kid friendly animation during the day but at night it could move into more mature movies like Persepolis. BBC's Talking Movies had a little anime/animation section about Persepolis recently reporting that Hollywood/Britain is now taking animation more serious as an art form now like the French and the Japanese.
Lelouch said:
melonpan said:
Ah! Pan's Labyrinth had a special edition set O_O. I want to see this film so badly, but play only listed some 2-disc edition.

I've seen this in school, Really is a good film, though it's in a foreign language.

In the case of a totally 'fantasy' film, a foreign language is a good thing, for me, it's like you're seeing a totally different world, I mean what magical creatures speak English? Not that if you have a brilliant English cast it can be worse or anything, on the contrary, I just think films like this in another language add a little something.

Actually, Lord of the Rings/Harry Potter are awesome in English, so I have no idea why I typed that. Anyhow, I think the best way for me to put it is that if the acting is good enough, it will have the impact. Watching in a foreign language is just a different experience.

Oh yeah, and I recently found out about a film called Avalon - directed by the renowned Mamoru Oshii, filmed in Poland and is basically about people who play in a realistic MMORPG, it's great when you find a film that you know will be awesome. It's annoying when you know there are lots of different versions of it around though, with varying translations for the subtitles and some with dubs and some without. Japan and Korea seem to get consistently awesome releases, they must be spoiled for choice.
melonpan said:
Lelouch said:
melonpan said:
Ah! Pan's Labyrinth had a special edition set O_O. I want to see this film so badly, but play only listed some 2-disc edition.

I've seen this in school, Really is a good film, though it's in a foreign language.

In the case of a totally 'fantasy' film, a foreign language is a good thing, for me, it's like you're seeing a totally different world, I mean what magical creatures speak English?

The Crack fox.

Anyway, Yeah it is really good, The CGI Was brilliant imo it was better than 'I am ledgend's' & the story was good too.

It's just one of those movies you watch & love or hate.
J_C_X said:
BBC's Talking Movies had a little anime/animation section about Persepolis recently reporting that Hollywood/Britain is now taking animation more serious as an art form now like the French and the Japanese.

You just reminded me! A couple of weeks back I saw something on News24 called something to do with 2007 film review, some guy was in Hollywood talking about what 2007 was like for films, and what 2008 was going to be like. What you mentioned might have been the same thing even, as I specifically remember him mentioning the word anime and he said that us English speaking people were taking animation much more seriously, with the whole Pixar thing and he was talking about all the aspects of it. I'd really love to post a link to it instead of blabbering on about it without making much sense, but unfortunately it's probably nowhere to be found (unless you take a spaceship into space and travel a few million kilometres to the point in time that it was being broadcast).

I'll post back here if I find it, the BBC website is hard to navigate :/

EDIT: Well, it looks impossible to find.
Lelouch said:
CitizenGeek said:
Gunbuster 2 is a definite buy - but where are the Gundam boxsets prices? :p

Gundam boxsets will or should be about £50.00.

As most Beez half box's are £50.00.
They're £69.99 Each. 31.03.2008 / 26.05.2008. have it for £52. Region 1 have it for... but that's a different story :p
Time to give Andrew (or someone) a headache...

Something that came to mind when reading about the Gunbuster 2 release in sub only, would Andrew (or anyone else) be able to give numbers on how much it costs for, lets say, a typical 26 ep anime series to pass through the BBFC rating system and how many times it has to pass through (I think it's at least 2, once for each language track, plus extras have to be passed through again separately, although I'm not sure how many times sub tracks have to pass *giving light to the lack of sign only subs maybe*).
If you can't give exact figures, then maybe a guideline of how much of a percentage the total process makes in the final disk cost?

I'm just wondering, because I've been calling the BBFC blind for several years now due to their rating necessities inflating the prices of UK anime DVD's, but I've never actually managed to confirm a source for the accusation :p

If the information is posted or freely available elsewhere, please point me in the right direction. If it's not something you can answer, I'd appreciate a few pointers on where to start looking and I'll do some independent research if I can ;)

If you can't publicly say, well, you know where to reach me ;)