Beez Entertainment Discussion

kupoartist said:
CitizenGeek said:
Concerning Zeta Gundam ... do Beez have any plans to release that, or indeed any other Gundam series, over here?
My guess is that, as soon as there isn't a Modern Gundam series to release over here, Zeta Gundam will be top of the list.

Gundam 00, oh how we hate thee.

Gundam is always a priority for us as part of the Namco Bandai Group, so once Seed Destiny ends I personally wouldn't be surprised to see another series lined up for release. As for which one, that's a mystery I can't answer at the moment I'm afraid guys :p.

Before people start waving hands and assuming what I say next is in some way going to happen, this is just my own opinion on the titles. But in terms of Zeta-related releases, if for nothing else but parity within the releases of UC Gundam titles so far, the Zeta movies would probably make more sense if anything was to come to UK shores in the future from Gundam Zeta :).

Now comes the interesting question, what gets to people about Gundam 00? Positive or negative...?
beez_andrew said:
Lelouch said:
BlackWolf said:
The SEED manga is okay but there is some mistakes in it (mostly just grammar errors) the Astray manga is good, its more comedic then SEED was and there is some good mecha designs in it

Cool, i'll have to take a look at them both.

Anyway, I want the Beez guy to tell us more about the boxsets!, like will it have neew cover art & such...

All I can say, at least until I know the production plan is locked down, is wait and see though guys - sorry ^^;! I can confirm the cover art will of course be new though, and for KupoArtist - we're still working out if it'll be thinpack or not :).

PS - Happy Christmas to those who celebrate it etc :).

Thanks for the info.

Oh & merry christmas.
beez_andrew said:
kupoartist said:
CitizenGeek said:
Concerning Zeta Gundam ... do Beez have any plans to release that, or indeed any other Gundam series, over here?
My guess is that, as soon as there isn't a Modern Gundam series to release over here, Zeta Gundam will be top of the list.

Gundam 00, oh how we hate thee.

Gundam is always a priority for us as part of the Namco Bandai Group, so once Seed Destiny ends I personally wouldn't be surprised to see another series lined up for release. As for which one, that's a mystery I can't answer at the moment I'm afraid guys :p.

Before people start waving hands and assuming what I say next is in some way going to happen, this is just my own opinion on the titles. But in terms of Zeta-related releases, if for nothing else but parity within the releases of UC Gundam titles so far, the Zeta movies would probably make more sense if anything was to come to UK shores in the future from Gundam Zeta :).

Now comes the interesting question, what gets to people about Gundam 00? Positive or negative...?
Having not seen 00 myself I will state that overall it is very popular from people I have spoken to. (I have far too much on DVD to watch and games to play to watch fansubs these days :().
beez_andrew said:
as part of the Namco Bandai Group

So, Beez are actually a part of Bandai Namco? I always thought Beez was a separate, wholly European company that just had a special relationship with Bandai's anime ....

Anyway, I absolutely cannot wait for these Gundam sets! Hurry up 2008!
dunno why people dislike gundam 00

i'm guessing cause they've got fed up with the emo main chars, i know that's one of the reasons Destiny isn't looked apon asmuch as Seed (along with the fact that half way through the series it became all about kira and athran again ^^)

personally though, i'm enjoying Gundam 00
CitizenGeek said:
beez_andrew said:
as part of the Namco Bandai Group

So, Beez are actually a part of Bandai Namco? I always thought Beez was a separate, wholly European company that just had a special relationship with Bandai's anime ....

Anyway, I absolutely cannot wait for these Gundam sets! Hurry up 2008!

Nope. BEEZ is a wholly owned subsidiary of Namco/Bandai and is Bandai's anime arm in Europe. (I think its name is or started out as an acronym for Bandai Entertainment Europe [something-or-another] but I don't quite know what the Z stands for :p)
Okay, so it's 2008 - kick off the new year with the good news, Andrew! ^_^

Gawyn said:
Nope. BEEZ is a wholly owned subsidiary of Namco/Bandai and is Bandai's anime arm in Europe. (I think its name is or started out as an acronym for Bandai Entertainment Europe [something-or-another] but I don't quite know what the Z stands for :p)

Oh, cool! Thanks for that, Gawyn.
Rumours are persisting (thanks to a spread in the latest Neo) of a release of Haruhi in the UK from April. Will this be coming to us courtesy of BEEZ or has someone else plumped for it? If it is (or can be confirmed as) a BEEZ title can you give details on how you plan to release it?
Gawyn said:
Rumours are persisting (thanks to a spread in the latest Neo) of a release of Haruhi in the UK from April. Will this be coming to us courtesy of BEEZ or has someone else plumped for it? If it is (or can be confirmed as) a BEEZ title can you give details on how you plan to release it?

Wow, awesome news! I hope that rumour proves true! ^__^
If that is true, I wonder if I shall be persuaded by it to double dip.

Is there anything that could be different to the R1 release to make this special I wonder. I think the R1 release pretty much had everything!
melonpan said:
Is there anything that could be different to the R1 release to make this special I wonder. I think the R1 release pretty much had everything!

I really hope that whoever releases Haruhi over here does include all the good things that came with the US release!
CitizenGeek said:
Hey Andrew! Any comments on the Gunbuster 2 release?
Andrew has posted somewhere (Anime-on-DVD if I remember correctly) that an announcement about Gunbuster 2 is due in the near future. Pinnacle Vision (the DVD distributors for BEEZ) got a little ahead of themselves when they listed the release in the upcoming schedules and threw things out slightly ;).
CitizenGeek said:
Hey Andrew! Any comments on the Gunbuster 2 release?

Outside of the press release up on that we sent round all the news sites what I would like to say is this marks a clear case of differing the package to suit the UK market.

I'm pleased to say that no matter the conversion rate of USD -> GBP at the moment (1.96 at the time I write), you're getting a package here that is cheaper than importing for what is in effect the same contents in a new package (I'm sure you can do the maths on how much you save on 3 * $39.99 vs RRP of £24.99 for the series ^^).

Hopefully in the future we'd like to be able to similar or go head for head with what is included extras wise with particular US titles. So vote with your pockets people if you want to see the same happen in future!
I heart you guys for releasing this. But is there any chance at all you'll release Aim for the Top! Gunbuster as well... or is that a no-go?
I’ve just posted the follwing in the News & Rumours forum regarding the Beez Gunbuster 2 release.

harkins said:
Good news this, and I’m definitely going to pick this up, but in a review of the pricey R1 release on ANN I noticed that they mentioned that it is ‘sub only’ and that it has suffers the “occasional spelling error or bit of clumsy wording in the amateurishly-fonted subtitlesâ€
Thanks for that, Andrew! I'm really looking forward to picking up Gunbuster 2 soon (but, how soon? :p)

I, too, would love, love, love to see the orignal Gunbuster released by Beez over here!
harkins said:
I’ve just posted the follwing in the News & Rumours forum regarding the Beez Gunbuster 2 release.

harkins said:
Good news this, and I’m definitely going to pick this up, but in a review of the pricey R1 release on ANN I noticed that they mentioned that it is ‘sub only’ and that it has suffers the “occasional spelling error or bit of clumsy wording in the amateurishly-fonted subtitlesâ€
Lupus Inu said:
I heart you guys for releasing this. But is there any chance at all you'll release Aim for the Top! Gunbuster as well... or is that a no-go?

Based on the success of Gunbuster 2, counter productive as the process is, we can take a look at what to do regarding Gunbuster and Aim for the Top! Gunbuster - the original series is indeed a classic though!