Beez Entertainment Discussion

I doubt that they will be releasing the SEED box set to coincide with the showing of it on anime central, giving that its been shown in the new year. I suspect it may be similar to what they did with the Gundam Wing boxsets (I.E free action figures) but i think it may be even better then that (scale models of the Archangel? Free manga versions that have yet to see a UK release who knows :p ) Downside to all of this is that i already own all 10 vols of Gundam Seed shame...

Though i'm still waiting to see what other Gundam series we get next. I hear Gundam Zeta is getting a re-release in america next year, so i'm hoping Beez may pick up that (i don't care that its over 20 years old, i've been looking forward to seeing it :p (
Oh yeah, Bebop talk just reminded me off a question.

Andrew, Do Beez have any plans or has anyone mentioned about the Remix versions of Cowboy Bebop? I wouldn't mind seeing this "new experience" on R2.
CitizenGeek said:
melonpan said:
This is why I love Beez, I'm always enormously impressed by the effort they put into releases, and that is why I don't import a lot of their series, or at least if there is a good American version I will 'double dip' for the UK version as well.

Thanks Andrew and everyone else at Beez, always giving that little bit extra =) I'm seriously looking forward to these Gundam boxsets.

Whoa, I wouldn't sing their praises yet. Those Gundam boxsets are most likely a ridiculously long way off. Looking forward to what the big surprise about the SEED boxset is, though.

Also, in regards to the quality of Beez's releases - I'm not so sure I know what you mean. IIRC, the Cowboy Bebop sets didn't have any extras at all and Cowboy Bebop is their most high-profile IP.

Re: Bebop first off. At the time of releasing that as a series, the Remixed materials were not available to us, otherwise we would have used those instead. Without going into too much detail right now - we do go back and weigh up the remix costs every so often, but when you compare that to other potential acquisitions and we have to decide which the UK fanbase would prefer we went for ^^;.

We included everything made available to us at the time (though the individual DVD release was just before I joined Beez Entertainment so I had to look that up) and will of course consider what can be done for Bebop's up and coming 10th birthday...^^.

Well with regards to the release dates, we're looking at a late Q1/early Q2 release so not very long into 2008 and you'll see them. Which isn't all too far away!

I can confirm at this stage they're definitely very different to the 2 DVD + Figure Gundam Wing releases at present too (not to say a figure isn't an option, but it certainly wouldn't be the only thing in it). Still finalizing the extras so I can't really discuss them right now in case they change, but we spent a good deal of time thinking about what we could do to make them special!

There should be a more official PR coming from us in the near future about it so look forward to that guys :).

Also, having listened to everyone both on forums and at cons - we're going to be reissuing the Gundam Wing series over 2 boxsets as well, 5 DVDs a piece so you'll be able to pick them up without the old 2-DVD per pack system ^^.
beez_andrew said:
I can confirm at this stage they're definitely very different to the 2 DVD + Figure Gundam Wing releases at present too (not to say a figure isn't an option, but it certainly wouldn't be the only thing in it). Still finalizing the extras so I can't really discuss them right now in case they change, but we spent a good deal of time thinking about what we could do to make them special!

Also, having listened to everyone both on forums and at cons - we're going to be reissuing the Gundam Wing series over 2 boxsets as well, 5 DVDs a piece so you'll be able to pick them up without the old 2-DVD per pack system ^^.

I'll buying theese Gundam sets, Seriuously you have put me on a major hype now! :p
beez_andrew said:
Well with regards to the release dates, we're looking at a late Q1/early Q2 release so not very long into 2008 and you'll see them. Which isn't all too far away!

That's good to hear, although, that's still some way off :[ I want my Gundams now! :p

I can confirm at this stage they're definitely very different to the 2 DVD + Figure Gundam Wing releases at present too (not to say a figure isn't an option, but it certainly wouldn't be the only thing in it). Still finalizing the extras so I can't really discuss them right now in case they change, but we spent a good deal of time thinking about what we could do to make them special!

Also great to hear! Really looking forward to finding out what's going to be special about these releases.

There should be a more official PR coming from us in the near future about it so look forward to that guys :).

Any idea on when we can expect the official announcement?

Also, having listened to everyone both on forums and at cons - we're going to be reissuing the Gundam Wing series over 2 boxsets as well, 5 DVDs a piece so you'll be able to pick them up without the old 2-DVD per pack system ^^.

Fantastic news! I'll be picking up Gundam Wing, also! Any idea on what pricing is going to be like for these Gundam sets?
CitizenGeek said:
beez_andrew said:
Well with regards to the release dates, we're looking at a late Q1/early Q2 release so not very long into 2008 and you'll see them. Which isn't all too far away!

That's good to hear, although, that's still some way off :[ I want my Gundams now! :p

I can confirm at this stage they're definitely very different to the 2 DVD + Figure Gundam Wing releases at present too (not to say a figure isn't an option, but it certainly wouldn't be the only thing in it). Still finalizing the extras so I can't really discuss them right now in case they change, but we spent a good deal of time thinking about what we could do to make them special!

Also great to hear! Really looking forward to finding out what's going to be special about these releases.

There should be a more official PR coming from us in the near future about it so look forward to that guys :).

Any idea on when we can expect the official announcement?

Also, having listened to everyone both on forums and at cons - we're going to be reissuing the Gundam Wing series over 2 boxsets as well, 5 DVDs a piece so you'll be able to pick them up without the old 2-DVD per pack system ^^.

Fantastic news! I'll be picking up Gundam Wing, also! Any idea on what pricing is going to be like for these Gundam sets?

Usually Beez boxsets set off at £50, but because theres more DVDs in theese sets do you thin it will cost more?
Lelouch said:
Usually Beez boxsets set off at £50, but because theres more DVDs in theese sets do you thin it will cost more?

Well, IIRC, the Escaflowne boxsets cost around £50, too and there was 5 volumes in each set. Although, there are significantly more episodes in Gundam SEED.
CitizenGeek said:
Lelouch said:
Usually Beez boxsets set off at £50, but because theres more DVDs in theese sets do you thin it will cost more?

Well, IIRC, the Escaflowne boxsets cost around £50, too and there was 5 volumes in each set. Although, there are significantly more episodes in Gundam SEED.

I know, We should wait for Andrew to tell us...
Now here's the thing. Do I set out and buy that Cowboy Bebop remix boxset that's going to be released in the US early next year or do I hold out and wait for something that might be better from Beez? Gah!
Sy said:
Now here's the thing. Do I set out and buy that Cowboy Bebop remix boxset that's going to be released in the US early next year or do I hold out and wait for something that might be better from Beez? Gah!

What company has Cowboy Bebop in the US, again?

Also, what is this Cowboy Bebop 'remix' stuff all about?
CitizenGeek said:
Also, what is this Cowboy Bebop 'remix' stuff all about?
It's just the original series remastered with 5.1 sound and a cleaner video transfer with some bonus features like an audio commentary or two.
Sy said:
It's just the original series remastered with 5.1 sound and a cleaner video transfer with some bonus features like an audio commentary or two.

Ah, I see. Doesn't seem like enough to warrant repurchasing the series, to be honest.
CitizenGeek said:
Sy said:
It's just the original series remastered with 5.1 sound and a cleaner video transfer with some bonus features like an audio commentary or two.

Ah, I see. Doesn't seem like enough to warrant repurchasing the series, to be honest.
I don't actually own the series since i've been waiting for a cheap boxset to come along. This looks like it could be it unless Beez want to offer something better. I'm all for it. :p
CitizenGeek said:
Lelouch said:
I wonder what the suprize will be?, Any ideas?

Can't think of anything beyond a figurine. Perhaps they'll throw in an OST or something?

Preferably, maybe poster, t-shirt, build it your self figure, 1srt Gundam SEED manga volume.

I would love an ost though. :D
Lelouch said:
Preferably, maybe poster, t-shirt, build it your self figure, 1srt Gundam SEED manga volume.

Hope they don't bother with the manga. It's kind of pointless, really - why read the same story you're after buying in anime form? I like the idea of a poster, but the way Andrew has hyped it, I reckon it'll be a poster and something else (fingers crossed for an OST!). What's SEED's music like, anyway?