One of the advantages of the Early Bird option is that you could pay now and worry about money for the end of the year later. Plus, you'll still get the set whenever it turns up without having to save up for it (unless Anime Limited suddenly go out of business or something). I'd say it's worth it if you're confident you'll want the set and have the money.Buzzkillington said:Even though I dislike Ultimate Editions, Escaflowne looks great. I don't think I'll be taking advantage of the early bird offer and I'd like to see if the artbook is decent before hand too as the others have been awful (imo of course). It's a weird one as Escaflowne is very dear to me but this feels like it has taken so long since it was announced a lot of my enthusiasm has evaporated at this point, it's also seems to be releasing near Christmas which doesn't exactly help matters.
DragonBlaze67 said:Ouran will be a pass from me but i'm glad the blu ray is getting a UK release.
AL only have season one, I doubt anyone else will licence any more for UK release either as it is risky to get through BBFC, and if it does will definitely be 18 rated, due to Kuro and her sexualised kissing scenes or censored heavily.Stiibun said:Do wonder what AL plans are in regard to Fate/Kaleid as they only released season 1 so far. Are there plans for the other seasons ?
Welcome back!Lavigne said:£40+ less than the current Amazon listing.
Smeelia said:One of the advantages of the Early Bird option is that you could pay now and worry about money for the end of the year later. Plus, you'll still get the set whenever it turns up without having to save up for it (unless Anime Limited suddenly go out of business or something). I'd say it's worth it if you're confident you'll want the set and have the money.
Saying that, if you just want the show and are willing to wait then there's a decent chance there'll be a standard release somewhere down the line. That might partly depend on the Ultimate Edition selling reasonably well but then if it does poorly it might end up being available at a cheaper price anyway. I guess anime buying is always a bit of a gamble.
serpantino said:Hope there's a standard edition planned & I don't have to wait too long. These ultimates are always way too expensive for my tastes even though I want the show. £90 is crazy money to me for a 26 episode show.
qaiz said:Only interested in the Production I.G set.
anime_andrew said:serpantino said:Hope there's a standard edition planned & I don't have to wait too long. These ultimates are always way too expensive for my tastes even though I want the show. £90 is crazy money to me for a 26 episode show.
That's a fair point and if it's not in your range for now I totally get it! That said, an interesting lesson in economics is even if the US discs were Region B (which they're not according to the licensor) then the cheapest available option for fans would be:
26 episodes from Funimation (standard) - 2 parts x $41.24 EACH = £62.18 pre import tax
1 x Movie set from Funimation - 1 set x $26.24 = £19.84
== £82.02 as is
So for £8 more then you get Collector's packaging, a 148 page artbook and the three soundtracks for the TV series as composed by Yoko Kanno herself! For £8 more, that's not a bad deal all in all and is in line with the not-so-crazy Funimation for pricing. Not sure we could have done much better here if we tried!
Well I just want to say that your hard work is not going unnoticed and I (along with many others) appreciate it a lot. The Production I.G set is something that puts a huge smile on my face and makes me very optimistic for the future. I not only appreciate the product itself and what it entails but also what the release stands for as a gesture, a representation of the types of works that largely goes unnoticed but in actuality represent the best of the industry. Pieces that exist because they can, films and shorts that celebrate the industry and its huge array of talent. We rarely get to see works like this getting the time of day and so it pleases me that you're committed to bringing works such as this out here.anime_andrew said:I'm glad you are though, I'd have done something wrong if that set was of no interest to you!
anime_andrew said:So for £8 more then you get Collector's packaging, a 148 page artbook and the three soundtracks for the TV series as composed by Yoko Kanno herself! For £8 more, that's not a bad deal all in all and is in line with the not-so-crazy Funimation for pricing. Not sure we could have done much better here if we tried!
thedoctor2016 said:anime_andrew said:serpantino said:Hope there's a standard edition planned & I don't have to wait too long. These ultimates are always way too expensive for my tastes even though I want the show. £90 is crazy money to me for a 26 episode show.
That's a fair point and if it's not in your range for now I totally get it! That said, an interesting lesson in economics is even if the US discs were Region B (which they're not according to the licensor) then the cheapest available option for fans would be:
26 episodes from Funimation (standard) - 2 parts x $41.24 EACH = £62.18 pre import tax
1 x Movie set from Funimation - 1 set x $26.24 = £19.84
== £82.02 as is
So for £8 more then you get Collector's packaging, a 148 page artbook and the three soundtracks for the TV series as composed by Yoko Kanno herself! For £8 more, that's not a bad deal all in all and is in line with the not-so-crazy Funimation for pricing. Not sure we could have done much better here if we tried!
Thats only if we can afford to take you up on the deal which I cannot as I cannot drop £90 on something months in advance, so I'm stuck with amazons £133 price or you make you website pay for preorders on dispatch.
anime_andrew said:That's a fair point and if it's not in your range for now I totally get it! That said, an interesting lesson in economics is even if the US discs were Region B (which they're not according to the licensor) then the cheapest available option for fans would be:
26 episodes from Funimation (standard) - 2 parts x $41.24 EACH = £62.18 pre import tax
1 x Movie set from Funimation - 1 set x $26.24 = £19.84
== £82.02 as is
So for £8 more then you get Collector's packaging, a 148 page artbook and the three soundtracks for the TV series as composed by Yoko Kanno herself! For £8 more, that's not a bad deal all in all and is in line with the not-so-crazy Funimation for pricing. Not sure we could have done much better here if we tried!
serpantino said:The way I see it is: That most of your standard (26 episode) releases seem to average around £45 so to me it feels like I'm paying an extra £45 for a fancier box & artbook & possibly some other paper/card/niknaks when all I want is the anime. The price hike is far crazier if factoring in the rrp, it's the same thing that killed my interest in other AL releases like full metal alchemist & full metal panic! (The latter of which I ended up getting the US versions of instead at £10 each due to no news on standard AL releases).
This new trend towards these ultimate/limited editions just feels like anime is becoming an elitist market rather than just a niche market as all us lower income fans are gradually being priced out of the market & I'm sure it'll lead to stagnation of potentianal newcomers when they watch it on Netflix, enjoy it, then visit Amazon & see how expensive anime is.
AL gets some of the best anime so I'm really gutted when it's far too expensive, especially as I would like to buy on release to show support & boost those all important initial sales figures.
- The original TV version of Escaflowne in HD, with original un-edited dub (Will not be sold separately, but if we did it'd have an SRP of at least - £49.99)
So if sold separately you'd be forking up an SRP of £194.95 instead of £149.99. Retail discount brings that down further again and only the following parts will be available for purchase separately:
- The Director's cut of Escaflowne in HD, with new dub from the USA in 2016 (SRP if sold separately - £59.99) - in December 2016, 1 month after Ultimate Edition is released, meaning if you don't want the ultra Collector's Edition - you don't have to buy it.
- The re-make film of Escaflowne in HD, with new dub and old dub in the USA in 2016 (SRP if sold separately £34.99)
If you'd like the basic old version (unedited) of the series in HD just, then there will be a standard not far behind it for you to enjoy. Our authoring makes that completely possible to do and we can assure you unlike the USA, it will be one complete part and in line with what we did for Gurren Lagann.