UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

Smeelia said:
Shiroi Hane said:
Not having seen the film, maybe Andrew's worried, with it being a historical show, about falling into a Mai Mai situation again?
What was the issue that Mai Mai had? In terms of Hokusai being historical, that aspect barely seems relevant in the film.

I have to say, I was actually expecting more about the actual historical figures/history and I suspect I might enjoy the film more on my second viewing without having those expectations. It's really more of a slice of life story that could just as easily have been about anyone, though I'd imagine people familiar with the historical aspects may see some references. I'm guessing some of the art style changes were referencing things, at least.

I wouldn't say it's at all necessary to know about the history and I don't think many people would feel they've learned a lot about it by the end of the film either. If I'm honest, I do kind of wonder if the film would have been better without the link to "real" historical figures. I could certainly see people being disappointed to not get what they might have been expecting.

It could also be my fault that I misunderstood what I'd heard about the film before seeing it, I may have been reading the wrong things. At the end of the day, I did enjoy it anyway and I'll most likely pick up the AL release.

This sums up the same issue I actually had too when I watched the film for the first time too - I wasn't disappointed but it was very different to what was expected and it is very slice of life!

The issue for me behind no dub for now is I just can't see a way to dub it that would do the original film justice so unless an external demand from other international partners, I'd prefer not to do a dub really. Everyone's mileage there varies really there but it does cost a lot of money to do the job!

Fear not too - the extras we'll be including definitely will help enhance your enjoyment of the film too - which is where some of the extra spend is going. 120 minutes of "Making of" isn't cheap to prepare...!

Not gonna lie, I'm kind of annoyed people are complaining about the FMP set - I mean, like, no anime release is ever going to be perfect. Discounting packaging and any extras etc. - in my eyes just the sheer number of eps you're getting on BD warrants a higher price tag.

This is going of on a tangent, but I've really started to feel uneasy recently about the negative comments I'm seeing online re. physical releases - personally I think the level of perfectionism fans seem to demand at the moment is unrealistic. It's just like - people never seem to be happy.

re. Miss Hokusai - I assume if a US company dubs it, the UK release will still include it? Unless the dub is set to come out at a significantly later point in time.
Meh i like the FMP set, although i do wish it were normal BD size, the box that holds the amarays is getting very creased when I'm taking the BDs out, which is disappointing. But content wise, I think it's fine.

I also ecall Emo (I assume you mean Scott from Anime Bluray UK) saying something about their being no disc information - which i think is a fair point tbh, although not something i'm bothered about. Would've liked to see trailers from AL rather than Funimation though.
Mrclt1994 said:
Meh i like the FMP set, although i do wish it were normal BD size, the box that holds the amarays is getting very creased when I'm taking the BDs out, which is disappointing. But content wise, I think it's fine.

I also ecall Emo (I assume you mean Scott from Anime Bluray UK) saying something about their being no disc information - which i think is a fair point tbh, although not something i'm bothered about. Would've liked to see trailers from AL rather than Funimation though.

Yeah he also wasn't very impressed that the discs are direct copy of the US release considering this release has been a long time in the pipeline
Speaking of Ultimate Edition sets from AL, I'm REALLY looking forward to news about Vision of Escaflowne, whenever we get some - I know there were issues surrounding the dub and director's cut etc.
anime_andrew said:
Totally agree there - boycotting on basis of price is not going to send any real message I'm afraid. I'm happy to engage folks in dialogue over most issues where relevant though :). We've always been pretty clear about the logic on the brand of how digital provides a secondary angle to work from.

Always happy to discuss new ideas if people have them too as per normal, so totally with you on that frontier!

Might I just respond to this by saying that this kind of open attitude engenders a lot of goodwill toward Anime Limited over here. Truthfully, I'm not financially placed to pick up some of the stuff you guys are putting out (at least, not on point of initial release) but the commitment to producing quality products and the free flowing dialogue you keep going over here are very much appreciated.
thedoctor2016 said:
I aim to be a broken record to reinforce the points I care about as if I go on about them then they may get listened too
It may sound like I don't appreciate AL but I do I love them and what they do, it's just a little annoyance I have which is the gap between releases of USes and ours

We all want quicker releases but consider why there are delays.

Up until Anime Ltd entered the scene the UK was not producing anything that wasn't a re-authoring of a US disc, licencing content from the US takes time to negotiate and creates a natural delay between their discs being ready and the UK's ability to re-author them for UK release.

Not to mention why should a US company give up its import sales? Allowing the UK industry to release quicker cuts into profits, the likely consequence would be that the UK companies would face increased licence fees to offset this and thus retail prices would be higher.

Anime Ltd also suffer somewhat from wanting to do more than clone US discs and boxes. All the nice extras, the boxes, the art books etc. need to be approved and this takes time.
Rosencrantz said:
thedoctor2016 said:
I aim to be a broken record to reinforce the points I care about as if I go on about them then they may get listened too
It may sound like I don't appreciate AL but I do I love them and what they do, it's just a little annoyance I have which is the gap between releases of USes and ours

We all want quicker releases but consider why there are delays.

Up until Anime Ltd entered the scene the UK was not producing anything that wasn't a re-authoring of a US disc, licencing content from the US takes time to negotiate and creates a natural delay between their discs being ready and the UK's ability to re-author them for UK release.

Not to mention why should a US company give up its import sales? Allowing the UK industry to release quicker cuts into profits, the likely consequence would be that the UK companies would face increased licence fees to offset this and thus retail prices would be higher.

Anime Ltd also suffer somewhat from wanting to do more than clone US discs and boxes. All the nice extras, the boxes, the art books etc. need to be approved and this takes time.

Thats true I do accept it and I do buy AL releases 99% of the time
Mrclt1994 said:
Speaking of Ultimate Edition sets from AL, I'm REALLY looking forward to news about Vision of Escaflowne, whenever we get some - I know there were issues surrounding the dub and director's cut etc.

News will be forthcoming, we're pushing ahead on the project but it's a big one. Clearing print assets is as hard as re-doing the assets for BD it would seem! Aiming to have updates as we go though, likely next one of note will be January at this stage but we're sending available assets out to the authoring house for now to work from.

Watch this space :).

anime_andrew said:
Mrclt1994 said:
Speaking of Ultimate Edition sets from AL, I'm REALLY looking forward to news about Vision of Escaflowne, whenever we get some - I know there were issues surrounding the dub and director's cut etc.

News will be forthcoming, we're pushing ahead on the project but it's a big one. Clearing print assets is as hard as re-doing the assets for BD it would seem! Aiming to have updates as we go though, likely next one of note will be January at this stage but we're sending available assets out to the authoring house for now to work from.

Watch this space :).


Good to hear looking toward to the update
Had a listen to the podcast and, gotta say, Miss Hokusai sounds like a real must-buy when it eventually appears on disc. When a movie prompts that kind of enthusiastic discussion from the people considering it, you know it has to be something special.

Also: Always a delight to hear Jonathan Clements talk about anime.
Saw Miss Hokusai at the Leeds Film Festival yesterday and will definitely be picking it up on release. I have a question regarding subtitles though: Are these the final subtitles or do they get redone again? I just noticed that in certain scenes they were a little bit difficult to read and just need a slightly thicker outline on them to properly stand out. :)

Also regarding the dub discussion - I personally don't feel Miss Hokusai needs a dub and because it's so Japanese I don't think any dub could truly do it justice.