UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

Shiroi Hane said:
HdE said:
Sad to say, yeah. I do know people who at least claimed to boycott Anime Limited's products on grounds of price point. I wouldn't even mention this, except to say for the record that I don't agree with such a course of action, and I think it's ultimately a bit of a stupid stance. Pointedly refusing to buy a product because you deem it too expensive or somehow otherwise deficient doesn't send the message that some people seem to think it will. So it's not something I'd ever endorse. Communication of concerns, on the ther hand, is much more worthwhile.

Are we talking about people who can easily afford the prices and decide not to? I mean, I "boycott" many things on grounds of price point. Like Lamborghinis.

If you REALLY wanted a lamborghini, you could afford it, I'm sure.

What? Not to your taste? Drive a Ferrari!
Shiroi Hane said:
Not having seen the film, maybe Andrew's worried, with it being a historical show, about falling into a Mai Mai situation again?
What was the issue that Mai Mai had? In terms of Hokusai being historical, that aspect barely seems relevant in the film.

I have to say, I was actually expecting more about the actual historical figures/history and I suspect I might enjoy the film more on my second viewing without having those expectations. It's really more of a slice of life story that could just as easily have been about anyone, though I'd imagine people familiar with the historical aspects may see some references. I'm guessing some of the art style changes were referencing things, at least.

I wouldn't say it's at all necessary to know about the history and I don't think many people would feel they've learned a lot about it by the end of the film either. If I'm honest, I do kind of wonder if the film would have been better without the link to "real" historical figures. I could certainly see people being disappointed to not get what they might have been expecting.

It could also be my fault that I misunderstood what I'd heard about the film before seeing it, I may have been reading the wrong things. At the end of the day, I did enjoy it anyway and I'll most likely pick up the AL release.
From what I've heard about Hokusai, it doesn't particularly sound like the type of film that will appeal to the dub-only crowd anyway. So it's probably just a waste of money.
Buzz201 said:
From what I've heard about Hokusai, it doesn't particularly sound like the type of film that will appeal to the dub-only crowd anyway. So it's probably just a waste of money.

Just because people aren't dub only doesn't mean they won't appreciate an English dub. I watch a ton of shows in Japanese, it would never put me off a show, but if there is a dub there I'll always take it.
IncendiaryLemon said:
Just because people aren't dub only doesn't mean they won't appreciate an English dub. I watch a ton of shows in Japanese, it would never put me off a show, but if there is a dub there I'll always take it.
I think the point was more that it may not be worth doing a dub unless it causes enough people to be willing to buy or pay more to cover the costs. If they'd just be releasing at the same price for much the same sales then it'd be tough to justify the dub, even if some people might appreciate it. I guess maybe there's a benefit in terms of offering a better product (even from a business point of view, happier customers are more likely to be repeat customers). Still, they could also risk building up false expectations and the less profit from each show the less they have to invest into other shows in the future.

I have to admit, I can't see a dub being responsible for enough sales to justify the cost (and potential delays) but I can't say that's based on solid evidence. I'd guess Anime Limited probably have a decent idea (which is presumably why they're not really planning a dub). I do think it's interesting that Andrew said they're willing to consider the possibility rather than just giving an absolute "no".

It's probably too late to raise the price for a version with the dub too, since the prices have been decided. Even if they technically could, it'd risk upsetting people. I wouldn't complain about a dub but I don't think I'd be so happy having to pay more for one (though I'll admit I'm not the most likely to actually watch the dubbed version, I tend to stick with whatever I see first).

britguy said:
nothing like twisting the knife in for fans who have waited so long for this and still no sign of it in the near future :lol:
I guess it's not going to be early 2016 at this point. I'm guessing they won't be able use the opportunity of the delays to try and get a Blu-ray release, I don't think it's got a Blu-ray in Japan.

As I understand it, it's a music heavy show so I wonder if that's a factor in the delays. Maybe there's some hidden license issue with the music or something. It's still on my list anyway.
I have seen pics of people's MSG: The Origin II BD Set Collector's Edition arriving (people in the US that pre-ordered through righsfuf) so hopefully that means those of us who pre-ordered via AL will be getting ours soon
Mrclt1994 said:
I have seen pics of people's MSG: The Origin II BD Set Collector's Edition arriving (people in the US that pre-ordered through righsfuf) so hopefully that means those of us who pre-ordered via AL will be getting ours soon

I don't know, but I'm fairly confident they're sharing masters not discs, so AL won't be shipping theirs until their scheduled release date. Hence thedoctor2016's continuous complaining about it, apparently 36 years is fine, but add a month on top and you're taking the piss...
Buzz201 said:
Mrclt1994 said:
I have seen pics of people's MSG: The Origin II BD Set Collector's Edition arriving (people in the US that pre-ordered through righsfuf) so hopefully that means those of us who pre-ordered via AL will be getting ours soon

I don't know, but I'm fairly confident they're sharing masters not discs, so AL won't be shipping theirs until their scheduled release date. Hence thedoctor2016's continuous complaining about it, apparently 36 years is fine, but add a month on top and you're taking the piss...

I thought the Collector's Editions were directly from Japan hence the extra payment for shipping and Anime Ltd handling the customs.?
NormanicGrav said:
Buzz201 said:
Mrclt1994 said:
I have seen pics of people's MSG: The Origin II BD Set Collector's Edition arriving (people in the US that pre-ordered through righsfuf) so hopefully that means those of us who pre-ordered via AL will be getting ours soon

I don't know, but I'm fairly confident they're sharing masters not discs, so AL won't be shipping theirs until their scheduled release date. Hence thedoctor2016's continuous complaining about it, apparently 36 years is fine, but add a month on top and you're taking the piss...

I thought the Collector's Editions were directly from Japan hence the extra payment for shipping and Anime Ltd handling the customs.?
No, you're right. It's me being stupid, I skimread and missed The Origin, I thought he was taking about '79.
Haha no worries. I can't wait to get the CE MSG the Origin II set - i watched it B2B with Origin I at MCM Loves Anime but hopefully this time I can enjoy it without an overexcited lady shouting 'oooo' everytime a character landed a punch lool. Oh and not to mention it looks pretty
Sadly I couldnt afford origin II and when i could it was post the the deadline i will surely be getting Origin III as its no longer about Char
Also I forgot how tight my KLK set 3 is still sad i can't get a replacement but hey i got it through moaning a month early
Buzz201 said:
Mrclt1994 said:
I have seen pics of people's MSG: The Origin II BD Set Collector's Edition arriving (people in the US that pre-ordered through righsfuf) so hopefully that means those of us who pre-ordered via AL will be getting ours soon

I don't know, but I'm fairly confident they're sharing masters not discs, so AL won't be shipping theirs until their scheduled release date. Hence thedoctor2016's continuous complaining about it, apparently 36 years is fine, but add a month on top and you're taking the piss...

Glad to get a mention and its 2 MONTHS not 1 but 2 and anyway I'm on Zeta which is getting a vague 2016 release
thedoctor2016 said:
Glad to get a mention and its 2 MONTHS not 1 but 2 and anyway I'm on Zeta which is getting a vague 2016 release

Oh god, all whole 2 MONTHS in exchange for a cool artbox, a Sunrise approved booklet and a release that will actually work in your blu-ray player. How cruel the world is...
Buzz201 said:
thedoctor2016 said:
Glad to get a mention and its 2 MONTHS not 1 but 2 and anyway I'm on Zeta which is getting a vague 2016 release

Oh god, all whole 2 MONTHS in exchange for a cool artbox, a Sunrise approved booklet and a release that will actually work in your blu-ray player. How cruel the world is...

Heck I wouldn't mind getting the DVD version of ∀ Gundam if they have a chipboard box with this (Minor NSFW) art on it:

Buzz201 said:
thedoctor2016 said:
Glad to get a mention and its 2 MONTHS not 1 but 2 and anyway I'm on Zeta which is getting a vague 2016 release

Oh god, all whole 2 MONTHS in exchange for a cool artbox, a Sunrise approved booklet and a release that will actually work in your blu-ray player. How cruel the world is...

Well we don't have a date for set 2 so it could 2 and half months or even 3 and i will have to see the booklet comes out as i rarely read them
anime_andrew said:
At present we aren't actively pursuing it - how hard we chase will hinge on how Season 1 is doing (so far, pretty well!) But if and when that comes we'll look at what extras are available - for now I have nothing on it, sorry!


I Sure hope it does well enough for you to chase the other licenses because it's a fantastic looking release (well done Kat :) )and after watching the first 7 episodes I'm really enjoying fate/Kaleid and already want more.
thedoctor2016 said:
Well we don't have a date for set 2 so it could 2 and half months or even 3 and i will have to see the booklet comes out as i rarely read them

Maybe I'm mistaken, but I could have sworn you said the other day you wouldn't be buying it until December/January. Why do you care when it gets released as long as it's broadly near December/January?