UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

NormanicGrav said:
3) What's the current stock situation with Mobile Suit Gundam Part 1's Box? Have all of the pre-orders taken the Boxed release considering it's only 1000 units, especially on your Shop?
JG said:
Obviously once we start to reach the limit of the allocation we will be sure to make it known in our weekly Newswire and through our social media channels.

Unless I missed something they haven't said anything about it so I guess you're safe for now.
anime_andrew said:
Amazon is wrong, Samurai Flamenco is definitely December here now but will also be December :).

In all seriousness too - these things happen and the only reason Amazon has let you know the news in advance of us is Jeremy is on holiday and we're all doing extra jobs right now to cover :). It sucks but the best we can do is let you know what is going on and rest assured we're as keen to release stuff as you are :).



I've wanted this show for so long, this delay really hurts lol
NormanicGrav said:
Andrew I've got some quick questions if you have time and freedom to answer.

1) Is Miss Houksai getting an English dub? Seems odd to ask but considering Anime Ltd is the first distributor to release it in English territories and given the quick release date I figured I might ask.

Normally I'd say yes - but I actively am unconvinced this one needs it. It's a very specific film and a dub that does the work justice would be hard to do given the nature of the material. So I don't plan to but I am happy to hear opinions to it.

NormanicGrav said:
2) On your main website, have you considered adding a section dedicated to your entire list of catalogue that you've acquired? I know you did it with the first version of the site and I really liked it, and I also know you've considered the Shopping section to be a similar idea but it would be cool to have mini details on each of your licenses including titles that won't be released for a long while.

Good idea and one on back of our minds for ages! We'll see if we can slide that in before or on the New Year at least a nice pretty list - if we can do some updates too, we will!

NormanicGrav said:
3) What's the current stock situation with Mobile Suit Gundam Part 1's Box? Have all of the pre-orders taken the Boxed release considering it's only 1000 units, especially on your Shop?

No - there's a decent amount left - by usual stock numbers I'd estimate 3-4 months at least of units left of it from release. I will monitor that one and when we are out at the warehouse I will inform people so they have a notice that limited units are left :).

IncendiaryLemon said:
Hey Andrew, I hope you don't mind me asking, but will you be actively pursuing the second season of Prisma Illya or are you just distributing it because it was part of the bundle you guys bought? I started watching the first season today and I'm quite enjoying it so I want to buy Season 2. If you guys are releasing it (or at least trying to), I'll wait it out instead of importing the Sentai release.
I was going to ask this as well. Given your comment about Kadokawa would it be possible to pursue the OVA episode if you do decide to get the second season of Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya? Sentai doesn't have the OVA (and it looks like they had a choice between the OVA or the shorts) but they do have UK rights however.[/quote]

At present we aren't actively pursuing it - how hard we chase will hinge on how Season 1 is doing (so far, pretty well!) But if and when that comes we'll look at what extras are available - for now I have nothing on it, sorry!

black1blade said:
Has the KLK box sold out yet?

For the DVD version - if you see it in a store or online, buy it as that is all that is left.

For BD - not yet, will shout when we are out at the warehouse :)!


britguy said:
anime_andrew said:
Amazon is wrong, Samurai Flamenco is definitely December here now but will also be December :).

In all seriousness too - these things happen and the only reason Amazon has let you know the news in advance of us is Jeremy is on holiday and we're all doing extra jobs right now to cover :). It sucks but the best we can do is let you know what is going on and rest assured we're as keen to release stuff as you are :).



I've wanted this show for so long, this delay really hurts lol

Sorry! You'd have hated us if it had been rushed though I can assure you...
Nice to hear prism illya may get a consistent release hopefully not a year behind again thou. I would like to ask do you get first pick on aniplex titles? As a lot of your catalogue is them though now is FUNi titles.
Also I would like to see how likely are you to do a kickstarter campaign again? As i missed the other ones as i was not a anime fan at that particular point
Mai Mai Miracle Update #35
Late October or On Time November Update? You Be The Judge!
Posted by All the Anime

Ok so I've once again let slip a deadline for my updates but in all fairness, end of September through October is what is collectively known here at HQ as "hell month". It's over now and I've got TONS of good news for you guys! These updates are about to get a lot more exciting!

The Dub
I can confirm, that as of today, we've received all the dub assets here at HQ! The amazing guys at NYAV Post finished the dub, mixed it and have sent it over to us and it is pretty great! Even though it's always a bit tougher to work with kids on dubs it was definitely the right decision as it adds a real sweetness and authenticity to the dub. I can't wait to share it with you guys.

So now what?
So as we have received the final piece of the puzzle, we can officially move into production! Yes - I know many of you doubted this day would come but it is here. We're prepping all files to send for authoring. We also have now received all the assets required for fulfilling the Kickstarter - and are moving ahead with the physical production process as well. We aim to have images for package designs by next update, which are not finalised so we would be interested in hearing feedback from you guys on this.

Physical and digital rewards are in hand and images and further information will be provided in the December update. The artbook is currently in the layout process - all assets and translated materials are in and this is now moving ahead. We've already identified the printers and have costed this up - so once the files are ready they'll be sent to the printers.

The Survey
Believe it! We will be sending out the backer survey in the next couple of weeks (latest by the December update). We didn't want to send this out sooner because we have learned from experience to send these out closer to shipment date. People move home and information doesn't get updated. So to keep this process smooth and to avoid any further delays, we avoided sending this out sooner. The backer survey should come within the next couple of weeks and I'll post an update here letting everyone know when it has been done. Please keep an eye out for it landing in spam boxes etc.

So when can you expect your very own copy of Mai Mai Miracle? Now that we've begun the production process we have a better grasp of actual timelines we can commit to. We aim to ship Mai Mai Miracle by the end of January or early February 2016 at the latest. It'll be a little over a year of the original delivery date and about 2 years from the start of the campaign but you'll be getting it! If nothing, it gives you all a glimpse into the world of production! But seriously, we understand how frustrating this wait has been for all you guys. Rest assured it's really happening - and now we finally have our paws on everything we're pushing to get this out the door asap.

In terms of rewards and how everything will be shipped:
We will be shipping the final production copies and rewards out together in 1 go - similar to how Little Witch Academia did. This way we ensure everyone receives everything they backed in 1 go, safely and with as little error as possible. We will be sending these out via UPS which will be trackable and will have to be signed for. Digital rewards will be sent out the day the physical products are shipped - again, to keep things organised and fair.

As promised, you can only get the collector's editions via the Kickstarter campaign and will not be available for retail purchase. The only retail copies that will be available (as mentioned at the start of the campaign) will be the standard edition amaray release. These will NOT be available at retail outlets until 6 months after Kickstarter backer copies have been shipped. For backers of the amaray tier, you deserve a certain exclusivity for taking a chance and backing our Kickstarter campaign. And we will honour this with the delay to market.

And I guess that's it for now! Big update with big news! The next update will be chock full of goodies in time for Christmas. Once again, thank you all for backing this brilliant film and we really can't wait to share it with you :)
Have a great weekend everyone! Until next time,
- Team Anime Limited
I could see a dub for Miss Hokusai working. I'd agree that it's maybe not entirely necessary but I can't think of anything that would be particularly difficult to translate. It would be useful for people who really like to focus on the visuals (which seem to be a big part of the film) and find subtitles can be too distracting. I don't think it's the kind of thing that would make good "background" watching though (which is another reason people often ask for dubs), since it really is quite a visual experience at times.

On a personal basis, if a dub would mean a delay then I'd be happy enough without one. Still, I'd probably rather see releases be successful so if a dub would help with that then I'd be willing to put up with the delay. It's not like we aren't used to things being delayed, I find that I don't usually mind as long as the release is good in the end (though maybe I should mind more than I do, at least sometimes).

The one thing I could do with less delays on is the announcement of the Nichijou Ultimate Edition. At this rate the Kinmoza Ultimate Edition will be out before Nichijou is even announced.

NormanicGrav said:
Mai Mai Miracle Update #35
Late October or On Time November Update? You Be The Judge!
Posted by All the Anime
As promised, you can only get the collector's editions via the Kickstarter campaign and will not be available for retail purchase. The only retail copies that will be available (as mentioned at the start of the campaign) will be the standard edition amaray release. These will NOT be available at retail outlets until 6 months after Kickstarter backer copies have been shipped. For backers of the amaray tier, you deserve a certain exclusivity for taking a chance and backing our Kickstarter campaign. And we will honour this with the delay to market.

I wonder if anyone would really be upset about the standard release being available closer to the backer copies being shipped. It doesn't really seem like the sort of thing that should bother anyone and I rarely hear praise for exclusivity in general. Some people might even prefer a faster release since they could recommend it to friends/family/associates/strangers and maybe even pick up extra copies for their own purposes.

You could add a vote to your backer survey, it'd be interesting to know how people feel about it. I guess that could end up being extra work though and at least the delay would give you more time to work things out (if there's anything that needs working out, I guess there could end up being issues on the discs or something).
Smeelia said:
The one thing I could do with less delays on is the announcement of the Nichijou Ultimate Edition. At this rate the Kinmoza Ultimate Edition will be out before Nichijou is even announced.

A world with an Anime Limited UE of both of those shows is a world I want to live in :lol:
Rightstuf have confirmed Gundam Wing will be getting a BD release in NA, so I hope we get one. Not because i like the series or anything but because all of MSG deserve BD releases
Mrclt1994 said:
Rightstuf have confirmed Gundam Wing will be getting a BD release in NA, so I hope we get one. Not because i like the series or anything but because all of MSG deserve BD releases

Even my deep rooted disdain for Gundam Wing and its utterly insane all-over-the-place story development couldnt make me disagree with this. If nothing else, I can see that the show would really benefit from a remaster. I own the Bandai US sets, and those visuals are pretty murky.

Also, have I mentioned here that I'd also love to see a UK release for Katanagatari? Because I'd love to see a UK release for Katanagatari.