UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

Bit feisty in here guys. ....I'm not one for shows full of fan service style scenes, I somehow managed to get through high school of the dead and this looks ten times as obscene, but I'll give prison school a go due to the controversy :p
I got a email informing me that A Letter To Momo Collector's Edition has been delayed until the 22nd of Feb. Dunno if this information was known but I've just found out. I'm pretty disappointed about it but not surprised, it's just the usual crap at this point, was looking forward to finally seeing it though.
Delays are common across most independent UK distributors, it's not an Anime Limited thing, it's not a Manga/Animatsu thing, it's not an MVM thing, it's a UK thing. Even the big ones like Arrow have a lot of delays. The delays tend to be bigger for anime, because the releases are nicer and approvals are harder. As frustrating as it is, the fact delays are so prevalent means we can't really blame AL, as it's probably not at their end. Also, AL probably can't warehouse all their stock for too long, and I'm sure we've been told that Amazon can handle delays to products, but they don't like them being brought forward last minute, so there's probably a bit of underestimating the release date going on to save money.
Rob F1UK said:
So that's the entire December slate delayed into 2016...

You're forgetting one, Full Metal Panic Ultimate Edition, so at present there are now two titles for December, that and the delayed volume 2 of SAO. I'd have thought Samurai Flamenco could be b delayed to December to but got an email from amazon over night saying I'd be getting it a day earlier than expected :/
AL actually stands for Always Late ;)

Nah I understand with this time of year, and other companies doing artboxes (like Arrow) that demand at the production companies is likely higher than ever, so things are more likely to slip.
Yeah, Christmas is the worst time as invariably some important company will suddenly change its orders around and all of the smaller clients will be bumped down the priority lists with their suppliers. With AL sets having relatively small print runs and (often) a number of different components which might come from different suppliers or processes, it's not surprising that they suffer from big companies throwing their weight around during the busiest time of year.

I can understand delays but A Letter to Momo should've been out by now. The US release was over a year ago and is half the price

Maybe all those pushbacks are so that AL can get Mai Mai Miracle out the door. Won't be making a space for it on my shelf just yet, but you never know.
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fabricatedlunatic said:
I can understand delays but A Letter to Momo should've been out by now. The US release was over a year ago and is half the price

It also has less than we have and they're not exactly blame free...

fabricatedlunatic said:
Maybe all those pushbacks are so that AL can get Mai Mai Miracle out the door. Won't be making a space for it on my shelf just yet, but you never know.

We'll have an official update soon - it's mean for me before to backers but the project is well in hand now and moving ahead :).

Push backs are unrelated though and mostly due to approval times or issues with what can and can't be included - unavoidable really alas!

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britguy said:
Rob F1UK said:
So that's the entire December slate delayed into 2016...

You're forgetting one, Full Metal Panic Ultimate Edition, so at present there are now two titles for December, that and the delayed volume 2 of SAO. I'd have thought Samurai Flamenco could be b delayed to December to but got an email from amazon over night saying I'd be getting it a day earlier than expected :/

Amazon is wrong, Samurai Flamenco is definitely December here now but will also be December :).

In all seriousness too - these things happen and the only reason Amazon has let you know the news in advance of us is Jeremy is on holiday and we're all doing extra jobs right now to cover :). It sucks but the best we can do is let you know what is going on and rest assured we're as keen to release stuff as you are :).

Hey Andrew, I hope you don't mind me asking, but will you be actively pursuing the second season of Prisma Illya or are you just distributing Season 1 because it was part of the bundle you guys bought? I started watching the first season today and I'm quite enjoying it so I want to buy Season 2. If you guys are releasing it (or at least trying to), I'll wait it out instead of importing the Sentai release.
Andrew I've got some quick questions if you have time and freedom to answer.

1) Is Miss Houksai getting an English dub? Seems odd to ask but considering Anime Ltd is the first distributor to release it in English territories and given the quick release date I figured I might ask.

2) On your main website, have you considered adding a section dedicated to your entire list of catalogue that you've acquired? I know you did it with the first version of the site and I really liked it, and I also know you've considered the Shopping section to be a similar idea but it would be cool to have mini details on each of your licenses including titles that won't be released for a long while.

3) What's the current stock situation with Mobile Suit Gundam Part 1's Box? Have all of the pre-orders taken the Boxed release considering it's only 1000 units, especially on your Shop?

IncendiaryLemon said:
Hey Andrew, I hope you don't mind me asking, but will you be actively pursuing the second season of Prisma Illya or are you just distributing it because it was part of the bundle you guys bought? I started watching the first season today and I'm quite enjoying it so I want to buy Season 2. If you guys are releasing it (or at least trying to), I'll wait it out instead of importing the Sentai release.
I was going to ask this as well. Given your comment about Kadokawa would it be possible to pursue the OVA episode if you do decide to get the second season of Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya? Sentai doesn't have the OVA (and it looks like they had a choice between the OVA or the shorts) but they do have UK rights however.