UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

BlackStrat said:
msgeek said:
thedoctor2016 said:
well the UE makes it accessible its being released
I wouldn't define a UE as "easily accessible" though due to the price being a barrier for a lot of people.

Andrew referred to the possibility of putting it out there as a stream. This was the concept I was supporting as an "easily accessible " method.
Yeah I wouldn't define it as easily accessible either. A stream would be great for folks who have yet to be exposed to the series.

I'm with you on Fumoffu being funny and really having a different tone, though I did like the three of them. The first time I watched FMP all of it was already out, so I kind of watched the first season and Fumoffu back to back... and I just couldn't bring myself to finish TSR. I dropped it after 3 or 4 episodes, I think. I did end up watching it months later and quite enjoyed it so I guess Fumoffu and TSR focusing on a different aspect of FMP kind of cooled me off, the transition was too brutal—though that may work for some. There's a time and place for everything I guess. Anyway, to me, both Fumoffu and TSR were better than the first season in their own way.

Hmm the series isn't sounding as good as I first thought it would hmm sadly
Hope this is the right thread to post these seeing as it's an upcoming Anime Ltd release. Some BD vs TV screenshots from Prison School have come out


Oh boy, Anime Ltd. You've got a fantastic show on your hands here :lol:

Has there been any word on if Anime Limited's release will be uncensored?
IncendiaryLemon said:
Hope this is the right thread to post these seeing as it's an upcoming Anime Ltd release. Some BD vs TV screenshots from Prison School have come out


Oh boy, Anime Ltd. You've got a fantastic show on your hands here :lol:

Has there been any word on if Anime Limited's release will be uncensored?

Well I assumed Andrew wants his anime to be released uncut and uncensored otherwise there wouldn't be a point in licensing them (though I presume they got Prison School with a bundle so they had no choice, I bet they secretly wanted it in the end).
thedoctor2016 said:
Hmm the series isn't sounding as good as I first thought it would hmm sadly
How come? You shouldn't really listen to what people say anyway as we all like different things, and the only way to know for sure is to watch it for yourself. I did say I liked the three seasons, my point was that Fumoffu being sort of a comedy spin-off kind of breaks the continuity of the show, if watched in broadcasting order. I also said that this could actually be a good thing for some people.
IncendiaryLemon said:
Hope this is the right thread to post these seeing as it's an upcoming Anime Ltd release. Some BD vs TV screenshots from Prison School have come out


Oh boy, Anime Ltd. You've got a fantastic show on your hands here :lol:

Has there been any word on if Anime Limited's release will be uncensored?
Well the BD version is uncensored, now whether or not it will go through the BBFC untouched is something else... I haven't seen Prison School and don't know much about the BBFC so I have no idea.
thedoctor2016 said:
UGH prison school

Look, I don't mean this to be offensive or anything, but I wish you would stop doing stuff like this. It peeves me to no end. Comments like this add absolutely nothing to the conversation and don't have any substance at all. We get it, you dislike the show. You've mentioned it several times in the past. Other people can and will discuss it. You don't have to. If you wanted to talk about why you don't like it or whatever, cool, but just saying Ugh Prison School is 100% pointless.
It's peeves me no end that they've licensed this series I thought AL wouldn't have to go to fanservice shows and you lapping it up upsets me that anime is just fanservice when it's so much more I would remove free as it's not that good
thedoctor2016 said:
It's peeves me no end that they've licensed this series I thought AL wouldn't have to go to fanservice shows and you lapping it up upsets me that anime is just fanservice when it's so much more I would remove free as it's not that good

Except it's not just about fanservice. It's a very tongue in cheek show that mocks fanservice comedy by taking it to extremes. I very much doubt anybody is watching Prison School for "personal enjoyment"...

But I wouldn't bother watching it if I was you, it's quite clear you wouldn't enjoy it, because you don't have the right sense of humour...
That's kinda the point of prison school though. I have 0 interest in the show but it's like complaining about monogatari having lots of dialogue- fanservice is the fundamental element of PS.
thedoctor2016 said:
Gonna let that I don't the right sense of humor slide but I hope the cover is respectful

I'm not being rude. Prison School is a show that relies on very very crude shock humour, your reaction to the level of fanservice you perceive it to have makes it quite clear that you won't enjoy that type of humour.