UK Anime Distributor Animatsu Discussion Thread

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Joshawott said:
Emo185 said:
britguy said:
Animatsu have released their trailer for Nadia, show looks great

Bah; just the opening song in textless form -_-
One thing that does irk me is when companies just put out opening themes as "trailers". Both anime and game companies do this and it doesn't help when I want to use trailers in articles to help show off the title (which is admittedly more important with games than anime).

I've seen this happen for years. The amount of times I've been on YouTube and found an opening as a trailer is unbelievable. It's very irritating. It also gives you know clue what the show is like.
I prefer it to what ADV did sometimes, which was to base their trailer on the opening but mess it up (e.g. Angelic Layer).
It's handy if you like the opening but not the show itself ^^;
We're super excited for The Comic Artist and His Assistants coming soon to DVD and Blu-ray! Will you be catching up with this one on release?

couple of hours later..

YES! We are working with Sentai on this release and it does include the 6 bonus OVAs. Exclusive to DVD. > Jerome

They did ask if we want it on Blu-ray though.
You're [censored] kidding, right? The OVAs are exclusive to the DVD? And what comes with the BR? Do Animatsu think we should fall at their feet thanking them that we get our precious BRs even if they make them as **** as possible. That they're doing us some huge favour by doing a BR release at all.

Screw them. This is the sort of show I'd like to own since I enjoyed watching the simulcasts, but I've got decent enough internet now, so if I want to watch it again, I'll just watch the 1080 release on Crunchyroll.
Wait, how do they mean exclusive to DVD? So if you buy the better format (BR) you just don't get them? That's pretty poor showing it had to be said, and doesn't exactly bode well for the future.
YES! We are working with Sentai on this release and it does include the 6 bonus OVAs. Exclusive to DVD. > Jerome
This does nothing to encourage confidence in them. I'm still not convinced that Animastu is anything more than Manga 2.0 at this stage, and if this is how they're going to go about things then I won't be purchasing anything from them.
There's no reason for them to withhold native HD content from the Bluray just to shove it on a DVD. It suggests that they either don't care about the BD, or they're holding it back for the sake of it - whether it be to cut costs or monetize it as part of a "Collectors Edition".
It'll look bad on them too if other territories get the complete edition, but we get a stripped down edition here.
Have no idea about the series nor am I trying to defend anyone, but before jumping the gun, these "exclusive to DVD", is this Animatsu pulling what Manga did with AoT or is this how Sentai's release will be as well.
Have to admit it sounds like the stupid descions that were made with the harlock and titan releases have continued over to the comic assistants. So I guess Jerome is behind the stupid stuff going on?
The idea of format specific content for DVD as opposed to BD certainly is a bit odd to contemplate. And if that really is the case, it's not going to do much to foster goodwill.
Why the **** are DVD exclusives even a thing? If that is the case, I will avoid this release and protest with my wallet.
Guys! I am so sorry for the confusion my reply to the original Animatsu post has caused. It's all my fault! To be clear. We are releasing COMIC ARTISTS on DVD and BLU-RAY and both SKUs will include the bonus OVAs. I am really sad some of you are so pissed off with us because of my post. We hear you. We understand you. And we WILL NOT let you down. Peace. >Jerome

Not sure why Jerome is upset at how people reacted, their reactions were perfectly understandable...
Still strikes me as a very apologetic tone for Jerome to be taking rather than telling everyone if they don't like it then don't buy it, go to hell etc. I'm still holding out on preordering any Animatsu stuff for now because they haven't built up a reputation for quality yet and I still don't trust them given how terrible Manga UK is now.
Kudos to Jerome for a more adult and measured reply than he sometimes throws out there though.
It actually seems like a fair enough response from Jerome to me. Looks like there was a loose connection somewhere in the communication process, but it's addressed now. So that's all good.

And now, we shall watch this one's progress with considerable interest!
[Cue finger steepling of evil intent.]
I'm glad it made him sad, maybe now he'll understand that his customers have emotions as well, rather than just treat us like cattle that should buy whatever he is selling.
Or maybe now people won't automatically jump to the worst possible conclusions without checking to see if something is correct or not...
IncendiaryLemon said:
Chunibyo is up for preorder now ... B00XHWURW4

Not sure on the price. I'm going to hold off buying it until I see what you get with it. I know it's a deluxe edition but £40 is getting a bit steep for 12 episodes...

If I was expecting Sentai Filmworks style Deluxe Edition (which honestly I thought that was what they were going for considering they said it's a 'Deluxe Edition') then the price would have been higher. But it looks like it's just a standard Blu-ray release with a slipcover, and by my guess some 'surprises*'.
*Rikka's Khazi patch
NormanicGrav said:
IncendiaryLemon said:
Chunibyo is up for preorder now ... B00XHWURW4

Not sure on the price. I'm going to hold off buying it until I see what you get with it. I know it's a deluxe edition but £40 is getting a bit steep for 12 episodes...

If I was expecting Sentai Filmworks style Deluxe Edition (which honestly I thought that was what they were going for considering they said it's a 'Deluxe Edition') then the price would have been higher. But it looks like it's just a standard Blu-ray release with a slipcover, and by my guess some 'surprises*'.
*Rikka's Khazi patch
*fingers crossed* please don't be the French pizza box edition....
Yeah, I'm a little worried about that now - considering Manga/Animatsu said that the deluxe edition would entail a 'hardboard box' of some shape or form - if that means a Pizza Box style, then I'm less enthused - I had imagined something more along the lines of an Anime Ltd style box.
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